Chapter 10

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"You guys ever heard of Roblox?"Jenny spoke in a mischievous tone.

"Yea, we've-" Chester spoke before being interrupted by the heavy footsteps of James growing closer.

James' tall figure appeared in the entryway of the living room.

"I'm leaving."

"Oh, I- Okay," Chester spoke quietly, stuttering a little.

James gave a glare to Chester and Parker before turning towards the door but before he could start walking away Jenny spoke up.

"Dad, when are you going to come back?"

"I'll only be gone for a few days," James spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Okay..." Jenny whispered.

James walked to the door, grabbing the cold handle with his large hands, turning the handle with a creek. Before he walked out the door he shot one last glance at the babysitters who were sitting on the couch.

James then slammed the heavy door shut and walked to his car, leaving the kids alone with their "babysitters".

"As I was saying...Yes, Parker and I have heard of Roblox," Chester spoke looking back towards Jenny.

Jenny smiled, "Do you want to play a game called Doors."

"Sure, what is it about?" Parker voiced.

"You'll see," Jenny smirked looking at her older brother who looked like he was about to start laughing.


"What the fu-" Chester was about to finish his sentence before Parker sent him a questioning glare.

"Fuuuuudge... was that!" Chester finished, Parker giving an approving nod.

Jenny laughed, turning her head to face Chester, "That was Timothy, he's a spider."

"Are you scared of spiders, Chester?" The teen spoke up, looking at Chester as he held his laugh in.

Parker chuckled a little bit before answering for Chester, "Yea, he is."

"No, I'm not!" Chester yelled, smiling a tad.

Parker just shook his head, "Mhm... sure you aren't," he spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm not," Chester stated, a grumpy smile plastered on his face, "I just don't like them."

"Alright, we'll just go with that." Parker smiled, nudging Chester with his elbow.

Jenny looked over at Chester and gave him a sweet smile before starting to speak, "I like spiders, I think they look funny!"

Chester's face recoiled a bit at the thought of spiders, giving a small shiver as if he felt the feeling of a spider crawling up his spine.

The teen suddenly gasped a little bit, snapping his fingers as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.

"That's right!" the teen spoke loudly, "We're out of baby wipes!"

Parker and Chester both looked at the teen for a moment before Parker spoke up, "I can run to the store to get some," Parker suggested.

The teen nodded.

"Do you want us to wait for you to come back to continue playing?" Chester asked, looking over at Parker.

Parker shook his head and smiled, putting his hands down to each side of him and pushing up so he was now standing, making the spot he was sitting at moments ago currently empty and leaving the reminisce of his warm body slightly pushed into the cushions.

No Turning Back Now: Life of Luxury: Parker x ChesterWhere stories live. Discover now