32: Pawn to Queen

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With a loud bang, the ropes above cut off and dropped you with the chair

You tried your best to catch your breath barely believing that you're still alive. You looked at the two figures at the door, it was Yūo and Winter

"Y/n..." You saw Winter holding a gun with her shaking hand slowly walking to you

"I-I didn't hit you right?" She asked worriedly checking if she shot you by accident

"No... I'm fine..." You whispered

She smiled and cut the ropes around you to free you

Another bang filled the room when you saw Yūo fall flat on the ground with blood dripping from his head

"Brother...." Winter whispered in shock looking at his body with Mr. Wang laughing insanely behind him

You stood up quickly checking Yūo's body to feel Winter standing behind you

"No!/ Y/n!" Kisaki and Shuji shouted in unison as Winter raised the knife and stabbed you from behind

"Winter.... Y-you...." Your blood starts to come out of your mouth as you looked back at her to see her crying

"I... I don't know what to do anymore Y/n.... Zeniko and Xio has changed, and now, Yūo's dead... What has my family become?"

"It's all because of you.... Why did you have to drag us in this mess??"

You stayed silent knowing it's true, it's all because you used them and now their family's messed up

"Thaaaaaat's right!!! Hah! It doesn't matter if you saved her from that or if we're handicapped! You're all gonna die here! Especially you, the reason of it all~"

"You're right... I was so selfish that time-"

"Shut up." Kisaki spat dropping his gun pushing Winter away and pulled you gently to the side to treat you to at least stop the bleeding

"Stay with me okay... I have a surprise for 'ya back home"  he smiled genuinely while carefully helping you

Your eyes started to water after seeing him. You've never felt so relieved, safe and protected before like how you feel now... With him. Kisaki Tetta...

"Ugh, don't get ahead of yourself... This fight isn't done yet!!" Mr. Wang pointed the gun to Kisaki's head as Kisaki just coldly stared at it with no single hint of fear within him

Mikey appeared behind him kicking him down before wrapping handcuffs on his hands

"It is now."

"You're all under arrest!" Suddenly, a black long haired man in a police suit shouted smiling with his fangs showing, beside him is a buffed man, wearing a police suit, with sunglass and a box of donuts in his hand

"Wohooo~ arrest them all!!!/ Baji and Pah is backkkkk!!!!" Chifuyu and Takemichi skipped around inside with their arms on each other's shoulders

A few seconds later, more people came in, medics and police

"Phew, it was hard trying not to kill all of 'em"

"Who killed the guys outside?" Pah asked

Mucho, Mitsuya and Hakkai silently pointed to Sanzu who's now looking away whistling

"Arrest him and take him to the rehab center" Pah spat

"Wha- whaaaaaaattttt???!!!!" Sanzu shouted in confusion

"Do you have a problem with that???" Peh appeared wearing a colorful shirt inside his police coat

"But the headquarters said kill them if they tried to kill you-"

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