01: Death and Life

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"Hey, are you that chinese trio?" A tall man infront of you with tattoos on both the back of his hand 'Sin' 'Punishment' spoke as you gaze infront of him and there you saw three guys in gray uniform matching their gray piercing eyes.

"Yeah, what do you need-" the guy with light purple mullet hair was cut off when the tall man you're with punched him right on the jaw.

He smirked while watching the other two help the one he knocked

"How dull~"

Hanma Shuji a.k.a God of Death (Sin, Punishment)

"Yo, Y/n. Stop hiding in the dark and watch."

You stood out from the shadows revealing your black hair and golden eyes.

"This is so boring~"

Hanma Y/n a.k.a God of Life (Interest, Chance)

"Who the hell are you to do that to Yūo!"

"Xio stop!"

Another guy in gray with dark pink hair and two antennas launched at Shuji just to get quickly thrown into the floor effortlessly with the other two.

"X, Xayxio Wang.. the youngest.. trio's fighter. He's the youngest yet he has won fights more than the other two. He was a big deal with the others, but I don't see why at all. " You crossed your arms looking down at them

Shuji was about to get Xayxio off the ground to fight when the other guy with pink purple hair went and stood between them

"Stop, what do you need?" He shielded himself to the two that made you interested

"Z, Zeniko Wang.. the eldest Wang.. trio's mediator. He's known for his skills on negotiating and turn fights into agreements. We better hear what he's about to say" you explained causing Shuji to scoff and walked back as you move forward.

"Hanma Y/n, nice to meet 'ya" you walked to Zeniko and took your hand out to shake his

"Zeniko Wang." Three pairs of gray eyes stared at you but you just smiled innocently completely unbothered while shaking his hand.

"Hanma? They're that duo I'm talking about!" The first guy Shuji punched exclaimed

"Y, Yūo Wang.. middle child.. the trio's balance. He keeps the balance with them three. Uhmm, that's all" you looked away scratching your head not remembering much information about Yūo

"Really?" Yūo looked at you disappointed that you only have a few details about him.

"Ya' have a problem with that?" You tilted your head a bit looking at him as your gold eyes pierce into his soul

"N-no maam!" He blushed and looked away

"Y? Did you just spoke formally!?/ Yūo is speaking formally?!" The two exclaimed after hearing Yūo's formal words

"Great! Now, let's go" you turned around and walked away with Shuji

"What?" Zeniko mumbled looking at his brothers

"Hmm? Do you prefer Shuji's beatings?" You smiled sweetly looking back at them

"Y'all are lucky she likes you"

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