Chapter 9 The Sacred Icon

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The Prophet of Regret was dead.

The Elites had been disavowed.

The Brutes had taken their place.

Sanctum of the Hierarchs

Rtas: This is unprecedented. Unacceptable.

The Spec Ops commander stood beside his best troops, confronting the Prophets of Truth and Mercy.

Truth: A Hierarch is dead, Commander.

Rtas: His murderer was within our grasp! If you had not withdrawn our Phantoms-

Truth: Are you questioning my decision?

Rtas: No, Holy One. I only wish to express my concern that Brutes-

Truth: Recommissioning the guard was a radical step, but recent events have made it abundantly clear that the Elites can no longer guarantee our safety.

Rtas: . . . . . I shall relay your decision to the council.

The Special Ops Sangheili made their exit, Rtas 'Vadum nodding to Thel 'Vadamee and Zayda 'Zazumee as they entered. The Shadow stood by the entrance, letting the Arbiter present himself to the Hierarchs. . .

Truth: *sighs* Politics. How tiresome. Arbiter, did you know that the Elites have threatened to resign? To quit the High Council? Because of this. . . exchange of hats?

Arbiter: We have always been your protectors.

Truth: Indeed. But these are trying times, for all of us.

Mercy: Even as the humans' annihilation filled us with satisfaction, the loss of one of the sacred rings wracked our hearts with grief.

The Prophet of Truth raised a hand, silencing his fellow Hierarch.

Truth: Putting aside our sorrow, we renewed our faith in the prophecy that other rings would be found, and see how our faith has been rewarded.

Before High Charity was Installation 05. . . Delta Halo. Mercy's arms spread, marveled with the ring's majesty.

Mercy: Halo. Its divine wind will rush through the stars, propelling all who are worthy along the path to salvation. . .

Zayda: . . . How foolish.

Truth: . . . How to start this process? For ages we searched for one who can unlock the secrets of the ring, an Oracle.

Turning away from the Halo ring, they were greeted by Monitor of Installation 04. 343 Guilty Spark was in a stasis chamber in the center of the chamber.

Truth: And with your help, we found it.

Mercy: With appropriate humility, we plied the Oracle with questions. And it, with clarity and grace, has shown us the key.

An image of the Index flashed into place.

Truth: You and your Shadow will journey to the surface of the ring and retrieve this Sacred Icon. With it we shall fulfill our promise.

Mercy: Salvation for all!

And begin the Great Journey. . . .


A Phantom descended to the surface of the ring, snow falling from its atmosphere. Onboard was the Arbiter, his Shadow, and the Chieftain of the Brutes.

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