Chapter 8 Regret

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The Two Spartans and their Two AIs eyed the hologram before them.

Aris: Can we translate what he's saying? It seems kind of important.

Cortana: Chief?

The Spartan II stepped forward and tapped the panel, Cortana appearing on the podium and snapping her fingers.

Regret: I shall light this sacred ring, release it's cleansing flame, and burn a path into the divine beyond!

. . .

Aris: So. . . I thought that was obvious.

Athena: Yup. Kinda is.

Cortana: Uh-huh.

Chief: Commander, we've got a problem.

Miranda: *radio* So I hear. But from what I understand, the prophet will need an object, the index, to activate the ring. I've located a library similar to the one you found on the first halo. If the rings work the same way, the index should be inside.

Johnson: *radio* I bet the Covenant are thinking the exact same thing.

Miranda: *radio* Then we better beat them to it, Sergeant. Extract your men and meet me at the library. Chief, Six, you handle the Prophet. He'll give us all the intel we need.

Cortana: We'll get it done.

The connection cut off.

Aris/Athena: So. . . What's the Library? And what's an Index?

Chief/Cortana: . . .

Aris: That's not. . . ominous at all.

A buzzing them filled their ears.

Aris: And back to being pissed.

Beam Rifle and Battle Rifle arose, firing into the air as Drones descended upon them! Bursts pierced their exoskeletons whilst beams burned split their bodies into halves!

Athena: Incoming-!

Elites dropped down from the second level, one immediately being blasted into the wall by the Master Chief's Shotgun! The other landed between the Spartans, swinging an Energy Sword at them both! The two swayed aside, Aris striking the Elite across the face before harshly pulling it forward, using its body as a shield for the Master Chief to hit! The Shotgun fired and the Sangheili fell.

Aris: Okay, let's get out of this stupid room. But first!

He tied a Plasma Grenade to the projector and shut up Regret.

Athena: Nice.

Aris: Now, where did those Elites come from. . .

The Spartan Duo maneuvered up to the second level and exited through a blast door, moving down the hall to the outdoors. Two towers stood adjacent to the one they stood upon, bridges connecting them. A large center platform resided before them, only connected to the third tower.

Cortana: You know, I think the forerunners built these new structures around the old, to protect them, to honor them. Pure speculation, mind you-

Aris/Athena: No one cares!

Cortana: . . .

Aris: Now, onto what matters, the Sniper Jackals. Chief?

Chief: On my mark.

They took their positions behind cover, aiming their respective precision weapons.

Chief: . . . Mark!

Four shots rang out. Two bursts. Two beams. Six dead Kigyar. The two soldiers arose, their radars sparking read all over.

Athena: Around the corner, the bridge!

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