Chapter 4 Metropolis

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A Marine sat against a pillar, breathing heavily as the Master Chief and Noble Six dropped down from the elevated tunnel. Stepping past the Marine, they came across a female scout who looked inward to the bridge connecting the city. . . and the Scarab crossing it.

Scout: It blew right through us. 50-cal, rockets. . . didn't do a thing.

Aris: From the outside, there's not much you can do.

A Pelican then began to descend upon them, dropping a Scorpion Tank.

Aris: *grins* Unless we have that.

The two Marines stood and followed the Spartans as Sergeant Johnson and Noble Two dropped from the Pelican.

Johnson: Where's the rest of your platoon?

Scout: Wasted, Sarge.

Marine 1: And we will be, too, sir, if we don't get the hell outta here!

He tried to move for the Pelican, but Johnson stopped him with a firm push to his shoulder.

Johnson: You hit, marine?

Marine 1: N-No, sir. . .

Johnson: Then listen up!

Aris couldn't help but smirk.

Johnson: When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Marine!

Scout: But what about that Scarab?

Johnson: We've all run the simulations, they're tough, but they ain't invincible. Stay with the Spartans, they'll know what to do.

Kat: And just so you know, I'm tagging along this time.

Aris: Didn't miss you at all.

Kat: Yeah, yeah.

The Sergeant climbed onto the machine gun aboard the Pelican.

Cortana: Thanks for the tank. They never get us anything.

Athena: Yeah!

The Sergeant smirked and cocked the gun back. . .

Johnson: Oh, I know what the ladies like. . .

Aris: Why the fuck is so he damn cool?!

Athena: Yeah, I can't even try to lift your spirits up this time.

As the Pelican took off, they looked to the horizon and caught sight of the Covenant Assault Carrier hovering over the city.

Kat: We need to double time it.

Aris: Dibs on the t-

The Master Chief already entered the cockpit.

Aris: That's not fair. . .

And then Noble Two claimed the driver's seat of the nearby Warthog.

Aris: *sighs* I hate both of you.

Climbing on the gunner, Aris readied the machine gun while the Marines readied up on the Tank's sides.

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