Songbird (Final Chapter)

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        That was the day that I promised...
        I'd never sing of love if it does not exist...
        But darling...
        You are the only exception...

        Several months after the incident with Michelle.

        I slowly sat up in bed, my muscles and bones giving me protest in the form of pops and little stretches. I rubbed my aquamarine eyes with my thumb and forefinger, bringing them together to pinch the bridge of my nose gently before I tossed the askew covers from my legs. I turned to the side, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and touching my warm, bare feet to the chilly wooden floor. As I took in my first deep breath of the morning, I smelled the unmistakable scent of my favorite breakfast; eggs, hash browns, sausage patties and biscuits. I stood up and glanced at my tousled hair in the mirror that sat perched on top of my dresser, bringing my hands up to try and fix it the best I could. No matter the effort I put into it, it stayed wild and it stuck up in odd places. Oh well, that doesn't matter.
        I trailed over to my closet and pulled down one of Brian's sleeveless band t-shirts, tugging it over my head quickly. I then traipsed over to the dresser and tugged out a pair of red basketball shorts, putting this on as well before leaving the room. I silently picked my way down the staircase, the scent of breakfast now almost overpowering as I trudged into the kitchen. There he was. The love of my life, Brian Elwin Haner, Jr. He stood with his back to me in only a pair of pinstriped boxers, and although it was chilly in the house, his golden and muscular back glistened with sweat. I smiled a toothy grin before I then stepped forward, my arms snaking around his waist and holding his back to my front. His stomach jerked a tiny bit as a deep chuckle rumbled from somewhere in his lungs, and after a minute of poking and prodding the breakfast that was sizzling on the stove, he turned around and draped his arms around my shoulders.
        "Are you going for Jimmy's hairstyle when we were in high school?" He teased, a jet-black slender brow raised in amusement. I scrunched my face up playfully, a little giggle bubbling past my snake-bitten lips. He gave me a soft smile and then lowered his mouth onto mine, his eyes sliding closed as our lips pressed together in a soft, warm kiss. My mouth tingled with love and desire as I kissed him back, his soft lips fighting for dominance over my own; but I refused to let him win. I snaked my tongue into his mouth and rubbed it along his own wet tongue, sliding my hands down just a bit to give his rump a gentle squeeze.
        "It's your fault my hair is all messy," I breathed when our lips were separated. "You're always touching it and stroking it while I'm sleeping." I poked my bottom lip out with a pout as I slid my hands up to rest on the small of his back; he rolled his eyes and gave me a swift, gentle kiss before he turned back around and began to tend to the food once more. I stood on the tips of my toes and peeked over his broad shoulder, my brows raised in curiosity. "So, what's all this for?" I giggled as I strained to keep myself from falling over.
        "No special reason.. Just thought you'd appreciate having a nice, big breakfast before our big day." He murmured, and my heart stopped at the last two words. Big day? What did he mean by that? "Don't kill yourself trying to figure out what it is, my love.. I can already see the smoke coming out of your ears." He teased, which earned a swat on the rump from me. He gave a quiet fake moan before he chuckled softly, "Ooh, thank you, sir, may I have another?" He glanced at me over his shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
        "Maybe later.. Master." I purred teasingly as my fingers walked up the length of his muscular, tattooed bicep.
        "Don't you dare, Zachary James Baker." He scolded in a joking manner, which earned a mischievous giggle from my throat. "I heard that giggle, don't you dare." He scolded again, reaching up over the stove and turning off two of the burners that were on. "Go sit down, I'll bring you the food in a minute." He murmured softly as he turned around and gave my nose a gentle kiss.
        "Fiiiiine." I groaned in over exaggeration, whirling my body around and trudging over to the table. I sat down with a fake huff as I propped my chin on my hand, wearing a fake grumpy expression as I waited for Brian to bring me the delicious smelling breakfast.
        "Here it is!" He finally called cheerfully, and as I looked up, I saw him bringing over a huge plate (it was literally a party snack plate) of eggs, biscuits, hash browns and sausage patties. He sat down a large glass of orange juice in front of me before he lowered the plate onto the table in front of me. He ran back over to the counter and yanked open the silverware drawer, then ran back over to me, brandishing a fork and a butter knife. "Let me know how I did, babe." He murmured softly as he handed me the silverware. I nodded before I began to chow down, occasionally letting a moan or a delighted squeal erupt from my throat as if to say, 'this is amazing!' without really speaking at all. Brian chuckled softly, folding his hands together and resting them on the table as he watched me eat, almost as if he'd never seen something so interesting.
        "O-oh, shit, babe.. D-did you want some?" I asked shyly as a crumb of biscuit hung from my pierced bottom lip. He chuckle and shook his head before he raised his hand and stroked his fingers through my hair, humming a soft tune that I couldn't quite make out the structure of. "A-are you sure? I-I've still got-"
        "Babe." He said firmly. "This was for you, okay? I ate earlier, so I'm not hungry. Please, baby, finish your breakfast.." He gave me a sullen smile, and I nodded shyly before I finished off the last bits of my hash browns and eggs. I washed it down with a large gulp of orange juice and a sigh, leaning back in the chair and rubbing my slightly protruding stomach.
        "Damn," I mused, earning a raised brow from my lover. "I didn't really realize that you could cook that well.. I mean, yeah, you cook occasionally on the bus, but.. Nothing like that." I chuckled, and he grinned widely before looking down at the table, his face slightly red.
        "Well.. I'm glad you liked it, baby. I have another surprise for you, by the way." He grinned mischievously as he fixed his gaze on me; a lump quickly formed in my throat, but I swallowed it nervously and gave a brave chuckle.
        "Oh, is that so?" I teased as he pulled me to my feet and draped his arms around my shoulders. He breathed a soft 'm-hm' as I placed my hands on his hips and we began to sway back and forth slowly. "And what is this, quote, surprise, that you have for me?" I raised an eyebrow, and he gave me a deep chuckle paired with a soft, slow kiss on the lips.
        "Always so eager to know.. If I told you what it was, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" He teased, letting his fingers tap mindlessly on the nape of my neck. Suddenly, I was spun around and my eyes were covered, along with strong hips being pressed against my backside. "Let me lead the way, baby.. You're gonna love this." He chuckled, and I was suddenly forced to begin walking forward.
        "Where are we going?" I asked giddily.
        "Shh.. I told you, it's a surprise.." Brian's deep voice laughed behind me, silencing my outwards curiosity for the moment. I giggled softly as he removed one hand from my eye and then apparently opened the front door, judging by the sound of the latch unhinging. I was led outside into a warm summer breeze, and then, his hands disappeared from my eyes.

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