Fix You

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        When things are too beautiful...
        I smash them to pieces...
        The more that you love me...
        Insecurity releases...
        I'll be the one that's to blame...
        So I'll sell my soul to blaze...
        Like a moth to a flame...

        I watched from Matt's couch as Brian and Johnny wrestled in the floor; Johnny was obviously letting the worn-down guitarist win, because he flopped against the floor a half second before Brian pinned him down. Johnny shouted in playful despair, flailing his arms desperately to try and thrust the long-haired guitarist off of him, but it was no use. Brian was practically dead weight.
        "Give in, Gnomeo! You're never going to win!" Brian shouted playfully, and Johnny laughed before letting his arms fall, finally giving in. "That's what I thought, I always win!" He laughed, sitting back on his butt and panting wildly. He checked his phone, looking a little upset at his screen for a second before he seemed to shrug it off.
        "Yeah, yeah, you win." Johnny teased in a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes at the guitarist. I chuckled softly, shaking my head as Matt's golden retriever, Bella, came up and laid her head in my lap. After a minute of distractedly petting the beautiful dog and admittedly staring at Brian's muscular back, I watched him get up and stretch. His bones popped loudly, and with a groan, he adjusted the shirt that had popped up out of the front of his pants.
        "I'm gonna go outside for a cigarette. I'll be back in a minute or two." He smiled at me, a few seconds longer than he probably should have, before he sauntered out of the front door and closed it behind him. Johnny looked at me, raising his eyebrows and grinning. I raised a single brow in return, and he laughed trivially, a smirk finally forming on his face where his grin once was.
        "You gonna go out there with him?" He asked, and I shrugged, fiddling with the seam of my pants. "C'mon, Zee.. Just go with him. He won't mind your company." He smiled, and I shrugged again, getting up and walking towards the door, when something in the window caught my eye.

        Standing there in front of Brian, with her hands on her hips and her head down to look at the man sitting on the front porch steps, was Michelle. Rage boiled inside me. What the hell is she doing here?! I thought as I swung the front door open; I apparently opened it so hard, it smacked against the supporting wall, earning the attention of everyone else in the house. Including Bella, because she began to bark wildly. Brian whirled around, and when he looked at me I could see tears forming in his eyes. Time to save his ass from the ravenous super bitch.. I mused in my own thoughts as I stepped over.
        "Hey, Mich. What's up?" I growled as I plopped down beside Brian, not even looking at her or even giving her time to answer while I grabbed the other guitarist's scruffy chin and turned his face to look at me before I smashed our lips together. He gasped against my lips, tilting his head and grabbing my wrists to hold me in place as our lips smacked against one another's. My tongue and lips tingled with desire as I felt his own wet tongue graze against mine. This was way better than the time we had kissed while we were drunk.
        "What the fuck?!" Michelle screamed in desperation as I pulled Brian closer. I broke the kiss for a second to laugh softly, feeling triumphant tears form in my own eyes as I kissed him again, much harder than last time. Michelle gave a quiet scream of anger before she stomped away, muttering things about us being 'fags' the entire time. But honestly, right at that moment, I couldn't have cared less. His lips felt so good on mine, it made me forget the entire world was spinning around us.
        I broke from the kiss, smiling as I opened my eyes and looked up at the man I was in love with. "Okay.. She's gone." I whispered, my eyes flickering from  Brian's red cheeks back to his deep brown eyes. I couldn't help but give a soft laugh at the expression on his face; it wasn't startled, per se, it was more of.. Shocked. Excited. Ecstatic, even.
        "Wh-why.. Did you kiss me?" He panted, his eyes wide with a strange look. That look in his eyes.. I've definitely seen that before. I thought as my eyes continuously darted back and forth between his still red cheeks and his dark chocolate colored eyes.
        "To get her to go away. And it worked." I smiled, and he nodded, resting his head on my shoulder with a loud sigh. "What did she want, Bri?" I asked, and he shifted a little bit to bring himself closer to me. I took this opportunity to wrap my arm around his shoulder, keeping him as close to me as I possibly could.
        "She told me she'd rather just stay boyfriend and girlfriend.. I told her no, and that I couldn't ever forgive her for how badly she broke my heart.. And she got angry. She told me I was trash anyways, and that I'd never find anyone who loves me.. But I know that isn't true.." Brian murmured, seeming to hang on the last few words more than he meant to.
        "She's wrong, Brian.. You will find someone, it's just gonna take you some time.." I whispered, and with the arm I kept around his shoulder, I reached that hand up and locked it into the silky strands of his hair. I twirled a piece of it around my fingers, loving how it felt over top my calloused skin.
        "Hey, Zee..?" He murmured softly against my shoulder, his arms snaking around my middle affectionately.
        "Yeah, Bri?" I asked quietly, running my fingers through his feathery hair. He tilted his head up to look at me, bit his lip and then blinked a few times, almost as if he was searching for the right words to say. His mouth opened and closed a few times, then, when he spoke, it seemed to move with great difficulty; almost as though he was forcing himself to speak.
        "I.. I'm sorry it took me so long.." He whispered before he brought his lips to mine, softer than our previous kiss. I gave a soft, longing sob into his mouth as our lips melded together, our tongues wrestling for dominance as if we were arguing who loves the other's kisses more..
        "Oh, damn, I love you.." I gasped in a small break in the kiss. Brian laughed into my mouth as he pressed back with more force, his hands sliding up under my shirt and firmly rubbing my sides. I moaned softly against his lips, my own hands tugging gently on his feathery black hair.
        He broke from the kiss with a gasp and wide eyes, "I love you too, Zee.. And I know that now.. I'm so sorry I didn't see it before.." He whispered. I let the tears roll down my cheeks now, and both of his hands moved from under my shirt to the sides of my face, wiping the little drops from underneath my eyes. "Please, don't cry, Zee.." He strangled out, his voice quivering with emotion.
        "Th-they aren't sad tears, Bri.." I laughed softly. "They're happy tears.. I've been in love with you since we were probably 19 years old. The deal was really sealed that weekend at Jimmy's.." He raised an eyebrow, letting a smooth chuckle bubble from between his lips.
        "You're talking about the kiss, aren't you?" He asked, raising a slender eyebrow in a mischievous manner.
        "I-I thought you.. Didn't remember that.." I spluttered out, but he pressed a slender finger to my snake-bitten lips to shush me as he smirked widely.
        "Of course I remember that, Zacky. Hello, you were a hot boy in bed with me, I don't think I could've been drunk enough to ever forget that." He laughed, and I couldn't help but start giggling. I buried my face into his chest as my entire body vibrated with giggles, and when they finally subsided, I sat up and took in a sharp breath. "Aw, your cheeks are red." He smirked again.
        "Of course they're red! I mean," I mocked his voice. "Hello, you're a hot boy telling me I'm hot!" This time, his cheeks turned red, and I was the one smirking. "Aw, you're red!" I squeaked, and as soon as I got the last word out, he smashed his lips against mine roughly enough to force a grunt from my throat. After only a second or two, he pulled away, letting out a slow breath.
        "God, I thought you'd never hush." He laughed, and so did I. Suddenly, the front door swung open, and everyone was standing there; Jimmy, Johnny, Matt and Val. Brian's cheeks turned just as red as mine as we saw everyone there grinning at the both of us.
        "I knew it!" Jimmy howled, yanking us both up by our arms and giving us a huge hug. "I knew that you two would get together sooner or later!" Johnny stuck his tongue out in the 'blegh' motion, earning a playful tap on the side of the head from, surprisingly not Matt, but Val.
        "Oh, please, Johnny! Don't give them that look. You know you've had your fair share of boyfriends too." She teased, and I watched in awe as Jimmy turned around and wrapped an arm around Johnny's waist. The smaller man's face turned boiling red as his eyes fell to the ground, and I finally understood why the two of them had become so close.
        "Yeah, he most certainly has!" Jimmy declared, earning an even deeper blush from Johnny. I laughed and shook my head, pulling Brian closer to me by his waist.
        "Well, dinner is almost done, so you two lovebirds can come inside whenever you're ready.." Val said gently before turning and walking inside. Matt winked at me and Brian and then followed suit, but Jimmy and Johnny stayed behind.
        "For the record," Johnny said, and I raised an eyebrow at him; he seemed to be talking to Brian, though. "I told you he'd make you happier than she would in the end." He then turned and walked inside, and I watched as Jimmy slapped his ass while he was whizzing by. The door closed behind them, and I slowly raised an eyebrow as I turned to look at the brown-eyed guitarist who was wearing a wide grin and had boiling red cheeks.
        "So, he told you, huh?" I asked, my voice dripping with mischief. He let a soft chuckle erupt from his throat as he looked at his lap for a split second, then looked back up at me.
        "Yeah, but I had a feeling before that. Doesn't matter though. What matters is," He pulled me close and pressed his forehead to mine; his lips brushed mine in a brief kiss before he whispered, "You're mine now, and that's not going to change, ever." I let my eyes lower to the ground as I giggled uncontrollably, feeling my cheeks heat up past the point of no return.
        "I like the sound of that." I muttered, locking my eyes on his again. "Y'know, when we first met, I knew there was something special about you.. I just couldn't put my finger on it. And now.. I know it's because I was falling in love with you. I don't even regret the fact that you were mean to me.. I honestly kind of liked it, at least you were acknowledging my existence." Brian smiled at me with a nervous chuckle, and I smiled back, running my fingers through his hair reassuringly.
        "We should probably go back inside, Val said dinner was going to be ready in a few minutes." He murmured, and I nodded, standing up and offering him a hand. He took it and hoisted himself to his feet, but he didn't let go; instead, he laced his fingers through mine, and we walked into Matt's house for the first time as a couple, then we sat down to eat dinner with our best friends.

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