Chapter Six: The Nate

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Chapter Six: The Nate

The shadow-man stood motionlessly, forcing me to stare just to make sure I wasn't imagining bad guys. It was a strange habit of mine, but unfortunately the silhouette showed no hints of disappearing. A mixture of fear and excitement overwhelmed me as my heart started to pound in my chest.

I took a step backward to jiggle the door handle, making sure the door was in fact locked. It was...oh crap. Slowly a man stepped out and I could make out black shoes, jeans and finally brown poop eyes.

It was Nate. Stupid Nate.

That's when I lost it. I focused on his knees and ran full force towards my "best friend", tackling him to the ground.

"You're so stupid Nate," I screamed as I slapped him silly. I hit like a girl so I knew it wasn't hurting him, the proof was in his struggle not to laugh.

"Sorry...did I scare you?" He chuckled.


"Aha get off me woman," Nate huffed.

I scrambled off Nate. A part of me was worried that my weight had crushed something important, but then a burst of laughter gave him away. It was pretty rude to insinuate I was fat after scaring me, so I gave him one last punch for good measure.

As Nate's laughter died off, an awkward silence filled the air and we both got busy dusting off our clothes. If Nate's appearance was any indication then we both looked horrible. I tugged on my jacket hoping it would make me look less disheveled...and that's when I spotted Elena folded over with laugher at the end of the alley.

"Elena let it slip that you came with her," he gloated. "When I couldn't spot you I knew you were up to something."

"I'm sooo sorry...I'll wait in the car." Elena interrupted, looking quite embarrassed. Of course that hadn't stopped her from laughing at me.

She took her time leaving too, turning around slowly and making sure that Nate's eyes followed her every move. The girl seemed naïve, but she was one smart cookie. Nate's attention was diverted...hopefully long enough for me to make my move.

Nate's serious voice stopped in my tracks, "Not so fast Stone...we need to talk."

"Sometimes it's like you know me."

"What are you doing here?" He asked slightly irritated.

"Why have you been following me?" I retorted.

"I haven't, I figured out you were here and there were only two exits," Nate explained.

"What about the other days?" I accused, although I was feeling less confident about the situation.

"What? someone following you?"


I could sense we were entering "real argument" territory, and quickly assured Nate there was nothing to worry about. He had always been over-protective, even when we weren't on the best of terms. It was an endearing and slightly irritating quality of his.

"I looked around your office and at my uncle's evidence box," I admitted. It was a bogus peace offering, mostly because he would find out anyway when he watched the surveillance tapes.

Nate sighed, "You're lucky the Sheriff doesn't watch the tapes...and no one else cares."

"People love me," I offered

"Not everyone..."

I listened quietly as Nate explained how our new sheriff really hated his predecessor (something about a stolen girlfriend). Apparently he hated a lot of things in life. My family just happened to be at the top his list because grandpa and old sheriff Bronson had been inseparable.

Clark's first action in office had been to study every single file in order to discredit the previous organization. He didn't find much; small towns aren't known for their outrageous crime scene.

With the exception of two open cases, Bronson's record was impeccable.

"You can see how it looks suspicious," Nate explained. "Two open cases...both belonging to the richest family in town."

"Okay, but it doesn't seem like you're even trying."

"Clark doesn't think there's much of a mystery," he said uncomfortably.

"Clark doesn't think-" I mimicked.

"Yea yea Ollie, I didn't say I completely agreed."

I smirked at him, hoping it would add to his discomfort. He didn't completely agree, but that also meant that he didn't completely disagree either. He started shifting his feet, obviously working up the courage to tell me something.

I poked him in the chest, "Spill it."

"Clark warned everyone on the force to avoid your family," he said quietly. "At least until both cases are resolved."


As much as I hated the way he'd been acting, it all kind of made sense now and I found it hard to stay mad at him. I knew that Clark's threat hidden behind some well intentioned advice hit a strong cord Nate. His whole life had been dedicated to making his dad proud, a man who had died in the line of duty when Nate was eight.

It must be why he went to the trouble of accusing my aunt in person, breaking up with Elena and had why he had avoided me all week. Nate had publically distanced himself from our family, because he didn't want to be removed from the case or have his own family name tarnished (mostly the second thing).

"What now?" I asked.

"I'm not convinced Tere is innocent, but now we investigate...quietly," he said smiling.

I gave him a two-finger salute to let him know that I understood and started to walk away slowly without breaking eye contact. When I felt my foot hit the sidewalk, I turned and ran towards my car. I could hear Nate laughing, but I didn't turn back.

I reached the car in record speed and slid into the backseat exhausted. It had been a long day and I pretended to take a nap as Elena drove us home. It didn't take long for her to get lost in her own world and start dancing to some rap song on the radio.

I took the opportunity to unfold a piece of paper Nate had slipped into my hands. I was expecting secret information pertaining to the case, but all I got was a flower drawing.

A/N: Drawing on the side is of Nate....looking all sexy. Drawn by the also sexy, Lady_Lucia.

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