Beautiful Day🖤

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Maya's pov:

Sharply at 11 , Daisy came to pick me up. Neither did she asked any questions in the car, nor did I tell her anything.
After 20 minutes , we reached her home.

She opened the door for me and I went inside and sat on the couch in the living room. She brought a glass of water for me. I drank the water in one go and she looked at me hoping for answers.

"I am married." I dropped the bomb on her.
"If it would have been any other situation, then I would definitely say that you're joking and laughed till my stomach hurts. But, right now I know for sure that you are not joking. So, tell me in detail whatever happened." She said.

I did tell her everything from me being forced in this marriage, to my severe anxiety attacks that have been taking place in the past few days. I even told her about this morning incident, where I found out Xavier making out with some other girl in the corridor.

She looked at me without any emotions on her face. I don't lie when I say that she is a really good listener. She listens to you very properly without even for a second making you feel like she is judging you.

She wiped a couple of drops of tears falling from my eyes and said, "I am really sorry baby. I wasn't with you when you had to face all this alone. I know, I promised to stay with you, by your side not only in your happiness but also in your problems. But, I am sorry that I couldn't fulfill my promise. I wasn't there with you when you needed me the most.
You had always been there with me at every time. Be it the happiest moment of me getting my degree or be it the worst moments of losing my parents to having the worst break-up. You were always there for me. But, I am really sorry that I couldn't stand by you when you needed someone to hold hand." She said while crying. She looked dejected.

I held her face with my hands and said , "No Daisy, you couldn't do anything in this and it wasn't your problem. It was my lack of courage that I couldn't stand up for myself and my parents' greed that made them sell me to random guy who has zero respect for a concept called marriage.
I didn't know how to face you in these few days. That's why, I wasn't talking to you and ignoring your calls and messages. Because, I knew that if I talk to you even for a second, I would lose my calm on myself and would have broken down.
And even if you were there with me , I know for sure that if I can't stand up for myself , no one else could. And this isn't a bit of your fault.
You are right. I needed you there at that moment the most. But, I was the one pushing you away from myself. I wasn't ready to let you inside all this mess.
This isn't your fault. Get that straight in your brain." Even I was crying by now.

We both hugged each other and I don't know for how much time I was lost in the embrace of my best friend crying my hearts out and letting all my emotions out.
After sometime, when we both were in a situation to talk to each other , we went to her bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Now my tell me about your anxiety. In this situation, I am sure that whatever medicines I will give, they wouldn't work. I am not making you feel down but this is the reality for a person who suffers from anxiety or depression. He needs to have a calm, soothing and happy atmosphere.
One cannot get rid of all these bad things in atmosphere like you are living in. Tell me about all the things that happened to you during your attacks." She said.

I told her my condition during the anxiety attack that took place in these past few days.

She listened to me and said , "Hear me out very carefully. As a doctor, I know, I should motivate you. But, as your best friend, I know for a fact that rather than the motivation, what you need right now is the reality check. And I'll give you that.
First of all, understand the difference between anxiety attack and panic attack.
A panic attack is a sudden fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying. Dizziness, feeling faint or lightheaded and unstable on the feet, Stomach trouble and nausea, Rapid heart rate and heart palpitations, trembling and shaking, Chills and hot flashes, Excessive sweating, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing, choking sensation, numbness or tingling in the body, feeling as though you might be having a heart attack or other life-threatening disease, Chest pain.
All these are the symptoms of panic attacks.

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