Chapter 8: Life's A Pain In The Ass Sometimes

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Both of you were left alone, you can see on Natasha's face that she's hesitating about something. Even if she's a trained assassin, she was like an open book to you.

After a while of contemplating, Natasha spoke, "I want you to be ready for whatever I'll say."

You were anxious because it seems that the tone and words she used are not welcoming. "Okay..?"

"Jasha, also known as, Janine, is the widow who assassinated Elle," Natasha confessed faintly after a while and you wouldn't hear her if the room is not secluded enough or if she was in the other corner of the office.

When she saw you waiting for her to resume she eventually obliged carefully not wanting to hurt you painfully, "She's hiding from the Red Room where I was raised and that she's working with a different personality. She's a spy like me and I don't think she's in the right mindset right now because you are her next target, she knew how important you are to me that's why she's planning on killing you too. I don't know if she's still under the control of Dreykov, the man behind that organization, but I connected all the dots, starting from her background stats up to the CCTV that I got from where the shooting occurred and Janine's face matched the footage when she revealed herself after going out in the washroom. She was wearing a mask when the shooting happened that's why I didn't see her face but I just feel something bad in her aura that caused me to do all of this. And thankfully I did it because now we know who'll pay for their crime. I'm sorry if this is too much for you to take in right now but I just want to tell you the truth."

"She's the one who killed my daughter?" You gasped, tears started prickling your eyes when you thought about your little angel. One thing lead to another, your heartbeat started racing, your oxygen dropped down, you were having a hard time catching up for air and your shaky body trembled as many thoughts run through your mind but one thought stood up, it's that another person, Janine or Jasha, whoever she is, broke your trust yet again.

You can't understand why people keep breaking your trust when all you offered them was nothing but dedication. Why do people always betray you when you have no other intentions but to feel love. The love that you were deprived of ever since you were a teenager. The love that you're still looking for, the one that won't break you.

It's just so unfair, you know?

Meanwhile, Natasha was quick to conceal you in her arms so your body wouldn't fall hard on the floor. "My- My-"

"Shh. Breathe with me, okay?" Natasha instructed softly when she saw you were having a panic attack, you nod your head in response since you couldn't verbalize any word. "Breathe in. Breathe out. In.. Out.."

You two shared multiple breathing exercises. She helped you until your breathing comes back to normal. By the time you finally calmed down you quietly asked her, "You're still interested in her case?"

"I never stopped. I made it my mission to look for who shot her. She's my daughter too, you know." Natasha gleamed softly.

The redhead shook her head vigorously while she told you that and you felt stunned and touched by her gesture. I mean, she's not even her real kid, yet, she's putting everything just so she could give her the justice she deserves. "For the past two years of grieving Elle's death, I did something that I know could make me feel at ease somehow and that's getting justice for my pumpkin."

"Thank you, Natasha." You smiled gratefully towards her way after a minute of peaceful silence fell in between you, Natasha grinned back at you before you shamefully added, "And I'm sorry."

That made Natasha confused. If anything, she thinks that she's the one that's supposed to apologize. She would never tell a single soul but she blames herself for Elle's death. Ever since that event happened, it's been bugging her until her nightmares which lead her to many sleepless nights alone.

"Love, what are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry that I pushed you away before. Hell, I didn't even give you a chance to talk. She's your daughter too, I know you'll protect her with your life. You grieved alone and I was so selfish to do that."

"No. It's fine. I'm okay." Natasha assured you even if it was a falsehood. She never really felt alright ever since that day. She lost her daughter then the next day she lost her wife. Natasha mourned by herself, she doesn't have any shoulder to cry on. Her best friend sacrificed himself to get that stupid soul stone then her family was in Ohio. Even if she doesn't want to sign the divorce paper, she did it because it's what you wished for. "And I already called some of my friends at my work. I'll make sure she'll rot in jail. They'll handle your little girlfriend."

Natasha jokingly added the last part to hear your laugh. The laugh that she's been deprived of for two years. Your laugh will always be music to her ears. She missed it so so much, especially the special genuine smile that you only express whenever you are with her.

"She was never my girlfriend."

Natasha scoffed before mumbling, "The kiss and flirting say otherwise."

"She's the one who initiated it!" You defended rapidly before raising your brows towards her path, "Are you jealous, Romanoff?"

"No." She responded a little too quickly for her liking which made you chuckle, confirming your thoughts. "Why would I get jealous of that stupid little piece of shit?"

"Let's stop talking about her even just for a while." You pleaded which she compelled to, "I want to know, how are you?"

"I am alright. I promise." Natasha gleamed softly, "How about you? I know it isn't easy, love. Nonetheless, I'm here for you. I promise I'll never leave you again even if you pushed me away."

You smiled gratefully at her. You were pleased that finally, your daughter's death would be given justice. Ever since you lost Elle, you developed a lot of issues that almost caused your own life. There were problems here and there. It's hell because you have no one to lean on. You pushed away your wife, your parents dumped you when they knew you were pregnant and gay then your daughter's gone which left you alone. Again.

"I was never okay."

A Broken Trust Leads To A Goodbye | Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora