Chapter 6: Welcome Back!

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You walked into your building with your designer shades still on, followed by your bodyguard. He escorted you up to your office. You strode your way in but you were halted by a voice you didn't hear for the past few days.

"Good morning, Miss!" Janine unexpectedly greeted you with a wide grin whilst giving you the usual coffee that you always ask for.

"Oh, hey, J! Glad to see you back." You beamed happily.

It's not that you're judging your temporary secretary but Celine's been a pain in the ass. I mean, wouldn't it be annoying if someone's asking what are what every second? Yeah, she's like that.

Sorry not sorry, Celine.

"Yeah, you can't get rid of me that easily, Miss." She kidded while she followed you up to your office, getting the folders in your body guard's grasp in the process. Her smile only thrived broader when she saw no sign of redhead on the sofa. "Where did my best friend go?"

"Maybe she finally got tired." You shrugged nonchalantly.

Janine nods her head in response, though she had a hidden grin before she went back to her desk after you gestured for her to do so.

The whole day passed by, and no Natasha showed up in your office which was a rare occurrence since she'll always be in your office. I mean, she even does her work there.

Nah, you don't care about her and her business.

So, after a long day of fulfilling paper stacks, you went home to have the deserving nap you were waiting for after the long day you had filled with stress from work.

~ Timeskip ~

The next few days without Natasha displeased you in some ways you don't understand. You still hate her but you're not that heartless enough to not care if a person's still alive or six feet under the ground already. You even believed that she was dead but when you saw her reclining comfortably on your couch, your thoughts vanished away.

The minute she noticed your presence she smiled brightly at you, "Morning."

You sighed in relief when you saw that she was somehow breathing but then you recalled that you hate her.

However, something caught your attention, you saw in your peripheral vision that Janine's face was marked on her laptop screen jointly with some documents you couldn't read because you were too far away to see them properly, also you don't have very good eyesight to do so.

When she followed your vision, she instantly shut her laptop before imploring, "How are you these past few days?"

The concern in her sweet voice made you feel something. It's not hate but – wait, no. You couldn't possibly feel anything but hate towards her though the smile she was sending you right now is reciprocating all the bitterness in your body into something.

Then, again, you're stubborn.

So, let's just go with fact that you hate her and everything about her.

"Better without you." You smugly sneered. The redhead observed your face for a little while which made you hide your emotions so she couldn't read you like a book but you were too delayed. Plus, the fact that she's a spy didn't help in the slightest bit.

Natasha hoisted her eyebrows, "The breath you let out says otherwise." She shrugged before adding, "Besides, when you lie, you bite the inside of your cheek."

You quit biting when she noted that, you shot her a glare, and earned her chuckle since she just substantiated her thoughts.

Natasha smirked, "Don't worry, I missed you too."

"Ew." You cringed in disgust towards her path, her sticking her tongue out playfully at you like a toddler.

Before you could even voice a comeback, there's a knock on your door, followed by Janine entering. "Miss, Mrs. Tan is asking for a meeting later at 2 PM. Should I confirm?"

"Sure." You nod your head in agreement then begin typing before teasingly mumbling, "Go greet your best friend, J."

Janine turned her attention to the sofa to see the redhead waving at her with a shit-eating smirk. The blonde plastered her fake smile before gritting out, "Oh, hello there, best friend."

"Morning, Jasha!" Natasha wiggled her brows teasingly whilst Janine widened her eyes, resulting in Natasha's smirk only growing wider towards her best friend's path.

Meanwhile, you didn't bother paying attention to them since you thought Natasha was just messing with her again.

Honestly, they're like cats and dogs but those wild species one.

"Janine." The blonde corrected dangerously lowly. Her voice was filled with venom.

Natasha winked and grinned innocently at her. "Told you, J."

"We're not close, stop calling me that."

"We will be, honey. Soon." The redhead smirked once more.

~ Timeskip ~

"What are you doing?" You questioned Natasha when you walked in and saw her doing something with your laptop.

"Where are Janine's files?" She implored instead which made you promptly stroll to your desk to push her aside. "Hey!"

"Stop nettling my assistant." You warned. "Stop whatever you are doing."

"Okay." Natasha asserted which made you narrow your brows suspiciously with how fast she gave in, "Anything you say, I'll do it."

You scoffed, not actually believing her actions but you're also cramming for files at this moment so, you hastily got on your work with your laptop while Natasha picked up her belongings. You eventually heard the redhead saying that she'll be heading out since she has something to do, you shrugged off in response, murmuring that you don't care.

Half of the day, Natasha wasn't in your office like she used to. You noticed that her actions are being strange lately.

If before she was already acting weird, now, it became more.

If you didn't know her before, you'll guess that she's doing something fishy to your business that could cause the whole company to recede.

But then, unfortunately, you know her.

~ Timeskip ~

"So, the company's marketing sale has been-" You were cut off by Natasha barging in, come next by your blonde secretary who's yanking her back outside the room, repeatedly telling her that you're on an important meeting and that you can't be disturb.

"Miss, she's fighting her way in. I'm sorry, I can't stop her." Janine apologized shamefully.

Seeing that Natasha's not backing off, you dismissed the head team before turning your scowl at the redhead.

"What do you fucking want this time?!"

Natasha didn't speak but she trailed her eyes to Janine to signal you that you should dismiss Janine first before she'll start whatever she's about to say. You obliged even if your blood is steaming right now.

What's so important that she even interrupted your business meeting?

"I found out something."

A Broken Trust Leads To A Goodbye | Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ