Tubbo no you can't put that much sugar on your pancakes

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Tubbo winced as Ranboo smeared another glob of ointment on the fresh cut that decorated his thigh before wrapping it tightly in bandages. Then he set to work on wrapping Tubbo's wings behind his back.

He was worryingly quiet. He hadn't said a word since Tubbo came home last night, new bruises decorating his arms, a nasty cut on his upper leg. Sure, he was muttering things under his breath last night, fretting over Tubbo's healing process, but this morning, he hadn't said a word.

Tubbo even made him some toast with extra butter and a little bit of jelly as a sort of apology, but Ranboo only ate it wordlessly.

"I really am sorry." Tubbo mumbled, "I didn't mean for Theseus to get so many hits on me. I was being careful, I swear."

Ranboo sighed, and Tubbo felt as his wrap was tied off and his button up was thrown into his lap. "I'm just worried Tubbo." Ranboo finally spoke, his voice was slightly rumbly from disuse, but Tubbo almost smiled at the fact he was speaking to him again, "you have some nasty bruises covering your arms. If you happen to push up your sleeves... hell, if you limp even a little bit, they're going to suspect somethings going on. I... how would I get you out of prison? Where would we go?"

Tubbo turned and placed a hand over Ranboo's mouth, fixing the taller with a stern look, "Ranboo. I'm not going to get caught. I swear." He removed his hand, "getting caught means risking everything. But not going to my job means getting fired. And we need to eat things other than fucking ramen noodles. We're going to get sick at this rate."

Ranboo sighed tiredly. "I know Tubbo. Sorry for getting mad at you."

Tubbo softened, "it's alright big man, I know you were just worried. I feel just fine. The bruises ache a little, but the cut shouldn't cause too much pain after the amount of ointment you slathered onto it."

Ranboo chuckled softly, "alright, get out of here before you're late for work. You're going to miss the train."

Tubbo straightened at that, checking the time before practically sprinting out the door. "Bye Ranboo! See you later!"

"See ya..."


"Hello again." Tubbo greeted the lady at the front desk, a broad smile on his face. He was absolutely buzzing with excitement. Quite literally he might add, he could feel his skin practically vibrating, making him a little warmer than usual. If this kept up, it was going to be hell with these long sleeves today.

He took a deep breath, in and out, trying to calm his nerves.

"Oh!' The lady smiled at him, "I'm so happy to see you again! Phil told me all about you. Congratulations by the way." She shuffled about in her drawer for a moment, and dug out a white ID, laminated and attached to a lanyard. "Here's your keycard. It should give you access to most of the building, such as the training rooms, offices, and of course, floor 88."

Tubbo took the ID, "Thank you so much miss..."

"Call me Rose." She winked and grinned.

Tubbo immediately recognized her name, and his eyes widened. No wonder she looked so familiar! How didn't he notice it sooner?

Rose is one of the more powerful heroes, able to grow any plants anywhere as quickly and as big as she liked, though she specialized in rose bushes.

So what in the hell was she doing at the front desk?

"I'm sure you have questions. I assure you I told them to place me here." She smiled, "no one can try and attack this place with me here. I'm their best form of protection."

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