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Glen: ...

Buddi: okay!

Glen: okay :')

1.Glen killing Claudia's mother

Glen: why would I kill her in the shower? My dreams sure are weird..

Buddi: why does she have no clothes on ew

Glen: he learns..:0 oh she's just taking a shower hehe

2.Chucky and Jennifer

Glen: cheater

Buddi: he's getting controlled...

3.Chiffany kiss after killing Tony 😃??

Glen: why

Buddi: I-

4.Jennifer and Redman after the pRactice

Glen: this is....I have so many questions-

Buddi: why is he looking at her...melons-


Andysup: I raised him so we'll


5.Paparazzi stalking Jennifer and Redman


Buddi: what's happening

Glen: unholy

Buddi: ...

6.Paparazzi seeing Chucky...yk 😟

Glen: WHY IS-

Buddi: huh

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