Twenty Two

978 49 10

Clementine was used to people being horrible to her. 

She had siblings, so yeah, she kinda had to. And with everything that had happened in the past few months, she was becoming less surprised by cruel behavior.

Talking to Elizabeth was the last resort. Something she did when she was broken and desperate. Loneliness did something to you that you would never expect it to. So when she sat next to Elizabeth a few months ago, she saw an opportunity to make a friend. She had seen Elizabeth everywhere, hell, she was her neighbor. So what difference would it make trying to make a friend when you had nothing to lose?

Clementine was so grateful she did.

Elizabeth was intimidating at first glance, a tall stony-faced girl who smiled very little about things. But under her exterior, there was someone with a soft heart. Someone who tried to make at least one person feel like they had a place in the world. And that was Clementine.

She was the first friend that Clementine ever felt like she was herself with. Like she didn't have to be afraid of being judged or laughed at because Beth was simply happy with Clementine being Clementine.

This is why it was so bad that Clementine wanted to hold her hand, hug her, cuddle her, kiss her. You don't feel that way for a friend, you shouldn't feel that way. Clementine was so used to Beth's presence that she didn't know what it was like to be without her, even in the span of a few months. Clementine didn't know if that was bad.

Clementine needed some ice cream and a reality check. So she got ice cream.

After school is a strange time. After the initial rush of people leaving and the streets busy with cars, and then after that, there was silence. Clementine's mom was used to Clem staying after school often, but this time, Clementine walked to the nearby store. She got some ice cream and decided to sit on the curb, trying to frantically lick the ice cream before it dripped on her fingers.

Clementine thought about Elizabeth, as she did, quite often. She thought about her hair, light blonde and airy, almost always up. She thought about her eyes, blue and intelligent. She thought about her freckles and the slight gap in her teeth and her smile. Clementine thought about everything. Elizabeth was such a beautiful person, and Clementine was astounded people didn't notice her more.

It was crazy, she thought, the way she felt for Elizabeth. She hadn't had feelings for anyone for a very long time. Not until Anne made those stupid rumors up, then the only feeling she had was hatred by that point. She had never liked Anne. God, why had she trusted her so much with so many things? Why did she think-

"Clementine?" A familiar voice sounded in front of her. Clementine's heart dropped. Of course, she looked up and saw the very person she didn't want to see.

Adrian Petrova. He was one of her old friends and they had a sour history. This time, it was wholeheartedly Clementine's fault, and she felt awful about it. Looking at him reminded her of all the things she had done in the past. Why had she done the things she did? For those people? Who would eventually make up rumors about her?

"Hi Adrian," Clementine responded, sounding much more resigned than she anticipated she would sound. The ice cream dripped in and around the grooves in Clementine's fingers. Adrian noticed this.

He made a face, "Uh, your ice cream?" He told her, and Clementine nodded back. Seeing as Clementine didn't do anything, he put his hands in his jacket pockets, looking around as if this made the situation any less awkward.

"So.." He trailed off, blowing some air from his mouth, "How have you been?" He asked. Clementine almost felt in physical pain with the whole ordeal, especially with Adrian looking as awkward as Clementine felt.

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