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Beth was getting increasingly worried as she hurried over to her and Clementine's spot. Unconsciously, her hand reached for her hair, and she tried to stop it, but she felt too nervous. Pulling and plucking at her hair. She needed a stress ball or something.

Just as Beth is about to round the corner, she is met with a familiar, but not pleasant, face. It was Celine, and she looked just as unhappy and stuck up as always. Her face seemed to be morphed into a constant sneer. Celine looked as though she was judging you constantly.

She took a step back from Beth upon seeing the unpleasant look on her face. But it didn't last for long, as she smirked. Beth really didn't want to deal with her at that moment, but Celine was as stubborn as she was bitchy. But she needed to get to Clementine and talk to her and if that meant yelling at Celine to get her to fuck off then so be it.

Celine also needed to get her dye job redone. It was insane how fast color fades from your hair.

"So," She began, with a nasty tone in her voice, "Don't say I didn't warn you," The last part she almost laughed. She was definitely smiling though. A few violent thoughts passed through Beth's head, but she allowed the anger to subside. No point in making a problem when there didn't need to be one. Her priority was Clementine. She continued walking.

Celine was determined, and she followed her, babbling on and on, "I mean, I did tell you that Clementine only creates drama" She sneered, "I mean, I have known her longer than you have and she's always been a problem."

Beth was getting tired of Celine's nonstop talking. Obviously, it was for no other reason than to make herself sound like an asshole. Beth wondered how she even had friends. Because, why would someone want to be friends with someone who made it their mission to ruin other people's day.

Beth stopped for a moment, turned to Celine, who had her hands on her hips and was waiting for a response, and raised her eyebrows at her, "Celine, I don't know how to tell you that I don't care about what you think. Now, can you go away? I'm trying to find someone and you're being really fucking annoying," Her tone was as firm as she could make it, but Celine was never much for leaving her alone, was she?

And she didn't. Instead, she put on a face of subtle offense and judgment. A classic expression for those who judge others despite their own glaring flaws, instead, they hurt others in order to make themselves feel better. Beth wanted to leave, and as she was about to walk away, Celine spoke once more, but this time it was more like she was intentionally trying to make her stay, "See I don't get you. I don't know why you would want to be friends with toxic people. I mean, I don't even get how you can trust her after what I told you the first time."

"So? That's not my problem," Beth replied.

"Still though. I never trusted her when I was her friend and I don't even know how you could do it."

"Because I'm not insecure in my friendships, Celine," Beth told her, her voice taking on a sympathetic tone, which really was the salt in the wound. See, that comment really pissed her off, and that was something Beth could definitely see in her face. A flash of shock and then boiling anger below the surface. Of course, appearances had to be kept and were the first priority.

It would be great to get her annoyed enough that she would blow up and ruin her own reputation. But in reality, if that were to happen, Beth would be the villain again. And no one would believe her because she is already one in everyone else's story at the moment.

She pointed a subtle finger, but Beth wasn't intimidated at all, "I am not insecure in my friendships. I'm just cautious. Do you just trust people the second you meet them? You're stupider than I thought," Celine wanted to be adamant on that answer, but below the surface was uneasiness, and uncertainty. It was as though she was trying to convince herself of that, instead of convincing Beth.

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