Tiffany talks to alyass

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Tiffany- hey alyass how's it going

Alyass- I'm trying to hang in there but not to good

Tiffany- I know the feeling but I want you to know that you can tell me anything you don't have to be scared

Alyass- I wish it was that easy maybe one day we both can tell are story's to each other

Tiffany- yea maybe so

Alyass- I hope we can but I'm scared that I'm going to end up in a body bag if I tell and if I don't tell so it seems like anyway I'm going to end up in one

Tiffany- I know I feel the same way that you do but it don't have to be that way we have each other to be there for each other

Alyass- always

Tiffany- and you also have people that care and love you

Alyass- like who

Tiffany- me for once your dad and my brother and I know that your mom and sister love you to they mite not show it but they do love you

Alyass- yeah I guess they do well my mom anyways when she not around todd but amy I don't think so much not since she knows that todd not my dad she acts like I'm not her sister and yes my dad loves me I know he dose he never stoped loveing me even when mom took me from him cos he said a father loves never ends

Tiffany- that's true it don't just like a mother love even tho sometimes they don't see what's right in front of them but you leave one out

Alyass- true about my mom she knows but when she with todd she acts like he the best thing ever she pukes me and Devon

Tiffany- yes him and I know

Alyass- he told me he loves me but I think he means like a girl friend way

Tiffany- he dose loves you in that way but in everyday he loves you he wants to be there for you he will do whatever he can to keep you safe

Devon- I'm seeing that but I just don't know why

Tiffany- he always loved you just didn't want to get in your way but the day you walked in and looked like you been run over he didn't know it was you and when he did it broken his heart

Alyass- I hate that it did that to him he shouldn't hurt cos of me he shouldn't have to go though this cos if me he needs someone that can be there for him not just him there for them

Tiffany- he don't want that he wants to be there for you he don't want no one there for him your his number one and that's will be how he sees it

Alyass- I know but wish he wouldn't I don't want to see him hurt over me

Tiffany- do you love him

Alyass- yes I do and always have but don't tell him that

Tiffany- I won't that's up yo you but why didn't you ever tell him

Alyass- didn't think he feel that way about me and cos I'm just a hopeless girl

Tiffany- your not hopeless you never will be and never are and in his eyes you are a princess even when you are black and blue

Alyass- dose he really think that about me

Tiffany- yes he dose I wouldn't lie to you about that but you need tell him how you feel don't wait to tell him

Alyass- I'm just scared to tell him

Tiffany- I under stand but you don't have to be scared he hopes everyday that he will hear you tell him that you feel the same way about him

Alyass- but how would I tell him

Tiffany- just listen to your heart it will show you the way

Alyass- I know I can't just up and tell him so I will write him a letter and tell him in fact I will write everyone a letter

Tiffany- that will work and just remnber listen to your heart it knows best

Alyass- thank you for everything I mean it

Tiffany- no need to think me

Alyass- yeah they are but do you have a pen and notepad

Tiffany- yes here a pen and notebook with nothing in it use how ever much you need

Alyass- ok thank you

Tiffany- your welcome

Alyass- not to be mean or sound rude but could I be alone for a while to do this

Tiffany- yes I was going go and let you do this cos I under stand you need to do this alone

Tiffany walks bye out the waiting room everyone gets ready to go in until Tiffany specks up

Tiffany- no she wants to be alone right now she said that she had some thinking and some things to do and she wants to be alone

Everyone- ok and they sit back down

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