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"Hello, im transmigrator 5001. Im with project A group." Its 31'st century, where mecha, Androids, aliens are normal to humans.

And where transmigration is considered a job.

Cindy showed her I. D. The officer signalled her to go in in just one glance at her I. D. Cindy raced inside, she is late. The tiled floor is sleek and smooth, making her feel like her sandal's are going to make her slip in an embarrassing situation.

Barging inside the door with big gasp, all eyes looked at her.

"Im sorry im late.."

The president is here! Cindy wanted to curse. She didnt want to lose this job! She spend many money and hours just to pass. And the pay is worth it!

The president just rolled his eyes. He continued "ok just come in. As i was saying, we are sending 6 of u this time in this world we call FN-17bF9."

Cindy awkwardly sat on the nearest chair and felt lucky that the old president seems to be in good mood today. The lights went dark, and a hologram appeared, almost sorrounding the whole room.

"FN-17bF9 is a Rank A project. The male god and the female lead are considered Rank A as well. I will show u the worlds story later.. As of now.. We detected a bug." It seems to be so important that the president have to come here and lecture them himself. He touch and swipe on the hologram. Changing the images, until it stopped on an image of a man.

"Professor Tyron Lacross is the hidden and biggest villain in FN-17bF9. He is a wicked man of deeds, this is his profile." The mans image turn a bit smaller and a picture of a beautiful smiling girl appeared on the screen. "This is Taliyah Lacross, Tyron's only child. Memorize everything on his profile, where he live, his likes, his dislikes, everything about him" the presidents tone was heavy and full of command.

His finger pointing at the picture. "Because ur target this time.. Is him" he look at their eyes one by one and asked with a hard voice. "Do u understand?!"

Cindy and the other five looked at each other and nodded. "Yes president.."

Cindy lowered her eyes on the profile and squinted her eyes. Wow, this big boss is indeed troublesome. Cindy memorised everything on the profile Like what the president said. Then she wrinkled her face.

"Ahmm.. Sir may i ask.." Cindy raised up one hand and said with hesitance. "Ahmm.. if u say he is our target this time. U mean our target.. target?"

The president nodded. "Good thing u ask. When i mean target, do everything in ur means.. To kill him." The president pointed at the Image of the man.


"I put it here maam?"

"Ah.. Yes thank u. Heres the pay, oh and i give u a tip, get something to drink"

"Oh! Thank u maam!" The men was happy to receive a tip in such a hot and tiring day.

"Ur welcome!" Cora waved them goodbye and look up at the burning sun. The sun is so hot, it can affect the business. Cora reached for the key on her bag, but she suddenly heard a noise. She look around, she live in a simple community. She only had her small bake shop to support her as she was alone.

The people here love how she bake. She even had special orders from companies and other shops.

Theyre community is peaceful. Houses sorrounding her small shop. She heard another crash of something like a trash can. And a girls stifled cries.

Cora began worrying, the noise is coming from her neighbor who she didnt even meet.

She followed the sound, and saw a girl stifling her cry beside the garbage bin. Cora heard something from her breath "daddy forgot me again! Huhu he said he will come!!" another child needing a parents love.

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