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I hear darius get off the walkie with kenji, kenji had made a plan so they could leave as quickly as possible.

Brooklynn and sammy were trying to change my mind about staying behind to kill the scorpios rex but i wasnt budging, sarah, charli, ridge and even blue could be getting attacked by that thing right now.

I got a bad feeling, the one i usually get when something bad happens to someone close to me.

I get so worried about the feeling i sped up my pase so the others were unable to keep up now.

I hear a roar that sounded like sarah, but it couldve been any old trike, right? The roar sounded again, but more painfilled and scared, if it is her she never made those sounds before.

"Keep heading to camp, ill meet you there..i think sarah is in trouble.." i said, bolting away before they could even say anything.

I weaved through the trees hoping that the painfilled bellows are coming from a random triceratops and not sarah.

I make it into a huge field and i see something laying up ahead.

I get closer and see its a trike, its still breathing, and..its sarah.

She was breathing heavily with a slight painfull whine, she had claw and bite marks all around her body, and the same spikes i saw stuck in the tree that...tiny..fell out of, they were lodged into her side, the area around the spines was turning pale.

The scorpios did this..it didnt even make the kill quick it just left her here to die.

If it was named after the scorpion or the scorpion fish, there are a lot of symptoms for the fish, the arachnid just kills you.

This is the first time ive seen sarah scared, and it hurts to see it.

She was shaking and she would twitch every once and a while, two symptoms of the scorpion fish..if she was stung in her limbs i would be less worried, but with the quills in her torso, she could have a seizure or just die slowly.

I crouched down next to her and pet her head, she looked at me with half-lidded eyes.

"Im sorry i couldnt protect you.." i mumbled and hugged her head close.

She made a soft bellow, as soft as she could muster with how much pain she was in, as i pulled my head away to look her in the eye again, a tear rolled down her cheek before her eyelids faultered slightly and she went limp.

"Im sorry you had to die so painfully..ill avenge you both.." i said and hugged her limp body again.

I ran off to where the camp was, it had started get pretty dark out as i got there.

I stayed quiet as everyone kept asking if i was okay and if the blood was mine, id simply shake or nod my head and growl, that scorpios better hope he doesnt see me tonight.

Kenji had just attatched a car battery to wires and made the fence electric, that will help a bit.

I was so focused on remembering all the scorpion fishes sting symptoms that i wasnt paying attention to what the others were saying.

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