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a week later.

Areum walked through the hospital hallway, heading to Heeseung's room. He still hasn't woken up since he hurt his head. She smiled at Sunghoon who walked past her.

The doctor turned around and saw her back figure disappearing in his sight. He sighed, starting to feel worried about her health.

"Sunghoon," Daera approached him as she held her baby bump. He sighed, "I'm worried about Areum. She keeps coming here and I'm not sure whether she takes care of her health."

"She's determined to take care of Heeseung. Just let her be. She'll be fine," she said before pulling him away.

Areum entered Heeseung's room and closed the door, standing there hesitantly. She turned around and saw his unconscious body on the bed. He had a bandage wrapped around his head. She watched as his chest went up and down slowly.

The monitor was beeping at a steady pace next to the bed. She sat on the chair and heard him breathing calmly.

"Heeseung-ah," she muttered as she caressed his hand, "It's been a week already. Please wake up. You're still alive, right?"

She kissed the back of his hand and put it against her cheek, feeling his warmth. The door suddenly opened, making her jump in surprise. Her startled eyes immediately widened at the sight of her brother holding Jiah's hand.

Isn't she Edlyn's daughter? The one who got lost and went to the police station?

"Minhyuk-ah," she called before standing up. The boy let go of Jiah's hand and watched as she made her way to Areum. Jiah pulled her into a hug, her small hands patting her back.

"Uncle Heeseung is going to be fine, Aunty Areum."

Aunty Areum...

Just hearing the words made her smile. Areum hugged the little girl tightly and closed her eyes, "Thank you, Jiah."

"Is he still not waking up?" Minhyuk asked. Areum shook her head, "Sunghoon said he'll probably wake up a few days later. We don't know yet."

The boy scoffed and approached the unconscious doctor before leaning towards his ear. He whispered, "Wake up, bastard. I'm going to hit you for making my sister cry."

Areum laughed and patted his back, "Should we go out and eat?"

"Can I come too?" Jiah asked. The detective exchanged hesitant glances with her brother, "I'm not sure if your parents let you, Jiah. You have to tell them first."

"I can't. My mom is having a meeting right now. My dad is teaching at the medical school."

Jiah pouted and lowered her head. The door opened again, revealing Daera who walked slowly since her baby bump was heavy.

"Can I come too? It's okay Jiah, you can come. I need to get some fresh air anyway."

Areum looked at her awkwardly before nodding, "Sure, let's go."

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Going to the mall with Daera made Areum regret her decisions. She was afraid the doctor might give birth in the middle of the building. Seeing how Daera panted tiredly as she took slow steps next to her was giving her anxiety.

"Mrs Kang, I think you should sit for a while," Areum said worriedly. Daera laughed, "You can just call me Daera. You're Heeseung's girlfriend so that makes us best friends already."

The detective smiled but soon turned into a frown when Daera winced in pain. "I'm too tired," she said and sat down on a bench.

Minhyuk who was carrying Jiah exchanged worried glances with the kid. "I think we should go back. You have to take care of your health," Areum said and helped her stand up again.

Daera's eyes widened when she felt clear liquid trickling down between her legs. "Aunty Daera is peeing!" Jiah pointed at the doctor's legs.

"My water broke," Daera muttered, still in shock, "Oh my God, the baby is coming out!"

"Areum, we need to get back to the car!" Minhyuk said and they all ran back to the parking lot. When they all reached the car, Minhyuk put Jiah in the passenger seat next to the driver's seat.

He sat at the back with Daera as he tried to calm her down. Areum stepped on the pedal and honked at the other cars to move away.

The traffic light turned red, making the detective curse. Jiah looked at her with shocked eyes. The boy frowned, "Areum, there's a little kid next to you."

Areum glanced at Jiah, "I'm sorry, sweetie," she apologised before opening her window and honking the car again, "Move it! Come on! There's a lady about to give birth! You all are so slow than a snail! Shit!"

The people walking looked at her in fear before scurrying to the other side of the road. She stepped on the pedal again and drove off to the hospital.

Daera groaned in pain and held her baby bump, "It's coming out!"

Minhyuk and Areum held her arms to support her. Jiah's eyes lit up when she saw Sunghoon and Jake in the lobby, talking to each other.

"Dad! Aunty Daera is about to give birth!"

The surgeons immediately ran towards them. Daera felt annoyed since they were crowding her. She grabbed the collar of Minhyuk's shirt before giving him a death stare, "Where the hell is my husband?"

The boy gulped in fear before being pushed to the floor by her. Sunghoon was about to hold her hand but immediately screamed in pain when she clenched his hand too tight.

"Please, it's too painful," Daera whispered to Areum. The detective and Jake led her to the nearest emergency room, leaving Sunghoon, Minhyuk and Jiah behind.

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