Twenty-One: The Reunion

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The hand at Jesper's waist refused to move. Instead, it held firm as Wylan scooted close enough to kiss Jesper's shoulder and nuzzle into his neck.

"Don't go," Wylan murmured, his throat harsh from misuse.

Saints, Jesper wished he could stay, but being the reasonable one meant getting out of bed at an unreasonable time in the morning.

He pushed the blankets off of him and took Wylan's hand in his. Jesper kissed his knuckles and turned around to place the hand on Wylan's chest.

"I'll just be gone for a minute," he said.

"That's still too long," said Wylan as he yawned.

"I gotta go shower, Wy. Someone needs to start the day."

Wylan just moved closer to Jesper's chest, and Jesper couldn't help but laugh. If he knew Wylan would be this touchy, he would have kissed him months ago. He rubbed Wylan's back and planted a kiss in his auburn curls.

"I'll be right back," Jesper promised.

He kissed Wylan between his brows and pulled away from their bed. Wylan gave up fighting and pulled the covers over his head instead. Jesper rolled his eyes and grabbed clean clothes from his dresser, bringing them with him to the bathroom down the hall. Inside, he pulled off his shirt and pajama bottoms and slipped inside. He hummed as he washed his hair and scrubbed away the dirt on his body. Jesper had missed hot showers when he was at the Slat; it was the only bad part of that place, really.

That, and the constant murders. Those also weren't great.

The door creaked open as he showered. He could see Wylan's silhouette through the shower curtain, the young boy sitting on the tile floor. Jesper would have been embarrassed by it a few months ago, but he had learned to drop his insecurities. He turned the shower off when he was finished and slipped on a towel while hiding behind the shower curtain.

"You could have waited outside the bathroom, you pervert," Jesper said as he stepped out of the tub, towel around his waist. He turned towards the sink and grabbed a comb from one of the drawers.

"Yeah, well I like seeing you like this," Wylan responded. He stood up and slipped his arms around Jesper's waist from behind.



"Twat." Jesper turned around to give Wylan a peck on the lips and a smack on his head with the comb. "Now leave so I can get dressed!"

Wylan huffed dramatically as he left the bathroom. Jesper changed and made his way downstairs to a brightly lit kitchen. It looked like it was gonna be another beautiful day, the sky a cheerful blue with white clouds dotted here and there. Wylan had opened a window, letting in a soft and welcoming breeze.

"Tried to make coffee this morning," Wylan said.

"Coffee pot still not working?" Jesper asked as he pulled out a bread knife from the cabinet.

Wylan hummed his reply.

"We can just go buy a new one, you know," Jesper said. "They're not that expensive."

"I know," said Wylan slowly. "I just... I just thought that maybe you'd like to fix it."

Jesper snorted. "How am I supposed to fix a dented coffee pot?"

The answer came to him just as the question slipped out of his mouth. The fact that Wylan didn't respond meant he was thinking the same thing. Jesper set the bread knife down and turned towards Wylan.

"No," he said simply. "I'm not going to do that."

"Why not? You've got the ability, so you may as well—"

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