Fifteen: The Bastard of the Barrel

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Nina gifted Jesper a bottle of brandy to share with Wylan at the merchling's next performance. Jesper wasn't technically allowed to bring outside alcohol into the club, of course, so he hid it in the pocket of a very nice emerald green coat he stole a couple months ago from a costume shop. The plan was to visit Wylan backstage after his performance so they could drink in his honor. It was a Friday night, meaning Jesper hadn't seen Wylan all day, and he was anxious to greet him. Who would have known that he'd become so reliant on Wylan being in his life? Not that he would trade it for anything else.

He also wanted to bring the merchling flowers, but he certainly didn't want to push it too far. A bottle of brandy was all that Jesper would give him, even if it didn't feel like enough to thank him. In a strange way, meeting Wylan had saved him. He would have been long gone under the immense pressure the Barrel had recently been putting him under if it wasn't for Wylan. But Jesper would happily shoulder it just to see his Wylan five days a week.

Jesper sat in his regular booth snacking on little almond cakes as he watched the band on stage. They surely weren't as captivating as Wylan, but they still knew how to entertain. Jesper especially liked watching the woman singing, her long arms dressed in beautifully colorful tattoos. He enjoyed her low voice and how the notes almost seemed to float off her lips. Even more thrilling was watching other men watching her, mouths slightly agape as if they've never seen beauty before.

"Thought I'd find you here," a voice whispered in his ear.

He turned around quickly, a hand on his pistol. His visitor pulled off her indigo hood, revealing glossy hair in a thick black braid and a clever little smile.

"Don't look so smug," Jesper said to Inej. "Nina already scouted me out here on Wednesday. She says hi, by the way."

"Are you allowed to bring outside drinks in?" Inej asked, glancing down at the bulky pocket of his coat. He tugged on it rather subconsciously; something Kaz would have shook his head at.

"It's for Wylan," Jesper explained. "I'm giving it to him after the show."

Inej hummed in response, playing with a silver fork on the table. "Kaz needs you."

"What? Like right now?"

He looked down at Inej, but the usual playfulness in her dark eyes was gone. There was no need for her to answer and they both knew it. She stood up swiftly and took a few steps towards the exit.

"Wait, Inej, you've got to be kidding me," Jesper said. "He can't really mean right now-right now. Can't he wait an hour?"

Inej simply shook her head. "He clearly stated that he needs you now."

Jesper swore under his breath. "Let me find a waiter at least. Wylan still needs his gift."

He didn't even wait for a response. Jesper grabbed the closest waiter he could find and showed him the bottle of brandy.

"Look here, I need this delivered to Wylan Van Eck after he performs in a couple minutes," Jesper said, enunciating every word with extreme exaggeration. "Tell him that Jesper Fahey sent it and that I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight. Got it?"

"Of course, sir—"

"Good." He shoved the bottle in the waiter's hands, and nodded at Inej. "Let's go."

Inej took her cue and disappeared into the crowd. Jesper struggled to keep up with her as she danced around person after person. Usually Jesper wouldn't care about this unique skill of hers, but he was too busy awkwardly dodging people to not feel a bit jealous. Never had he wanted to be shorter in his entire life as he clumsily made his way outside.

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