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Time seemed to stand still for Frank. He couldn't quite comprehend the arms around his neck and the excited sounds coming from Jamia. He instinctively put his arms around her waist, albeit loosely. He dared to look over at Gerard who was sat bolt upright on his bed. The colour had drained from his face and Frank couldn't quite read the expression he was sporting at that moment. Was he upset? Hurt? Confused? Fucking furious? Probably a combination of them all. He just looked passive. Frank couldn't bear look at him for more than a couple of seconds; Jamia pulling him from his thoughts with words spilling from her mouth that Frank just couldn't hear from the pounding sound of the blood rushing through his ears.

"........and this is Casey" he caught her say, gesturing towards the door, where a girl Frank hadn't even noticed was currently standing, looking very awkward indeed.

Jamia leaned into Frank and whispered into his ear, "She's just finished with her boyfriend so I thought I'd bring her along to meet Gerard" she giggled.

'As if this couldn't get any fucking worse' Frank thought to himself.

She was now pulling both Frank and Casey into the room, closing the door behind her. She was completely oblivious to the heavy atmosphere in the room. Even Casey, who didn't know who the fuck anyone was, seemed to sense there was something not quite right.

"Jamia" Frank began. "I didn't know you were coming. I.......um........why didn't you say?"

"Because then it wouldn't have been a surprise dumbass" she laughed.

"This isn't a good time Jamia" he told her again looking over towards Gerard.

He was still sat looking completely dumbstruck. He looked beyond Frank, his eyes focused on a spot on the far wall. He just had a faraway look on his face with his jaw clamped closed tightly.

"I know" Jamia continued. "I know it's late and all, but we got stuck in traffic and then we couldn't find your dorm block. But it's the weekend, so it's cool right?"

She sat herself down on Frank's bed and pulled Casey down alongside her. "Gerard this is Casey" she announced, all eyes now on him.

Gerard just looked at the two of them, before forcing himself to speak.

He cleared his throat before replying. "Nice to meet you" he offered a small, very fake smile.

"I told you he was cute" Jamia whispered to her friend, making her blush profusely.

"Jamia!" came Frank's forceful voice from the kitchen area of the room. "I need to speak to you." He looked at her pleadingly, hoping to God that she would somehow read the room and realise that everything was not fucking okay right now.

"What's up babe?" she replied cheerily.

"I just...." he began. "I need to speak to you alone."

"You can talk to me in here" she smiled back.

Jesus Christ. Why couldn't she sense that something was wrong?

Gerard was now standing. He was looking around for something, although he had no idea what. He picked up his shoes, jacket and phone and made for the door. He felt sick. He could feel the bile rising in his throat and had to get out of there as quickly as he possibly could.

"Where you going?" he heard Jamia ask.

"Bathroom" he replied, trying to force a smile onto his face.

He couldn't look at Frank, but heard him as he passed by.

"Gee!" he whimpered.

Tears stung Gerard's eyes and he held his breath as he opened the door. He closed it quietly behind him, before letting out a shaky breath and running for the stairs. He ran up to the roof top, forcing the stiff door open as he got there. His legs felt heavy as he headed for the perimeter wall. He slumped to the floor and let out a sob. His whole body shook and tears fell from his eyes. The stabbing pain in his chest really fucking hurt taking his breath away. How the fuck could this night have come to this? He knew in his heart that he had fallen in love with Frank, and the fact that he was clearly still with Jamia cut him to the core. Frank was obviously shocked at her sudden arrival; he had visibly cowered away from her. But there was no denying that she was completely unaware of anything wrong, meaning Frank had never even fucking attempted to end things with her. He had been stringing them both along and Gerard felt utterly betrayed at that. He didn't think Frank capable of being so cruel.

Frerard - We're Just Friends (Part 1 of The 'Just Friends' Series)Where stories live. Discover now