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Frank was pissed with Gerard. He sat on his bed the following morning and looked over at him. Everything was irritating him; from the spluttering snores to way his leg kept twitching as it hung from the side of the bed.

Frank gave a huff and shook his head as he got up to make coffee.

He heard Gerard stretch and yawn behind him, but didn't bother to look over.

"You making coffee?" Gerard asked from his bed.

Frank ignored him.

"Frankie. Make me one! I feel like I'm dying" Gerard stated dramatically.

Frank bristled at being called 'Frankie'.

"Good" Frank muttered to himself.

He slammed the coffee down on the bedside table next to Gerard, causing it to spill over slightly.

"Jesus dude" Gerard said as he sat himself up. "What the fuck's wrong with you this morning?"

"Nothing" Frank lied before heading out to the bathroom, slamming the door as he went, hoping the sound would make Gerard's head hurt more than he already hoped it was.

Gerard sipped at his coffee as the events of the previous night came back to him. He remembered smoking some particularly good weed and drinking a shit load of beer, but not much else.

Then just as he was draining the last of his coffee, the blond girl's face made an appearance in his memories.

"Oh shit" he sighed as he ran his hands over his face.

He slumped back onto the pillows as the full recollection came back to him. He knew he hadn't slept with her, but he still felt like shit.

Frank walked back in then, still with a thunderous look on his face.

"Have I done something to upset you?" Gerard called over.

"What? No" Frank snarled.

"So why do I feel like you're pissed off? You're clearly upset about something."

Frank breathed deeply through his nose.

"Have a good time last night?" he asked bitterly.

"Yeah. I suppose."

"Oh you certainly looked like it. Practically fucking that girl in the corner of the room."

"What?" Gerard snapped back. "That's a little exaggerated don't you think?"

"Well maybe" Frank conceded. "But you didn't exactly think about Lindsey did you?"

"Fuck you Frank" Gerard suddenly spat. "You don't know shit about me and Lindsey. Not everyone has the perfect fucking relationship you know. And yeah, I was wrong last night, but it was actually nice to feel wanted by someone. Believe me, I'm sure Lindsey is just biding her time before moving on to someone better."

Frank felt guilty now. He'd just assumed that Gerard and Lindsey were fine. Gerard hadn't said anything to make him think otherwise. He knew it wasn't just because of Lindsey that he was pissed off though. He'd hardly slept last night due to replaying the whole thing over and over; the image of Gerard's mouth on that girls, his hands sliding up and down her thighs. He was boiling with anger inside and he didn't understand why.

"Sorry Gee" Frank replied a little softer.

"Yeah. Me too Frank. I don't need you to take on the role of my fucking mother while I'm here."

He stood and headed off to shower. He needed to shake this hangover off and a steaming hot shower would help with that. He stood under the hot water and angrily scrubbed at his hair, trying to wash away the girl from the night before. He continued to think back over the previous night and remembered exactly how he'd felt as the girl sat in his lap. He shook his head to free him of the memory but it wouldn't go away.

He remembered seeing Frank in the corner of the room and wanted to make him jealous. He didn't know why. He knew Frank had Jamia and wouldn't be remotely interested in Gerard hooking up with someone, but he definitely knew that it was the reason he'd made out with her. Just on the off chance that Frank was bothered.

Seeing Frank's reaction this morning made him question his assumptions though. Yes Frank was upset because he'd cheated on Lindsey, but it wasn't like he knew her, so why would he care?

Gerard was as confused as fuck as to why he wanted Frank to be jealous.

Opening the door to their dorm after showering, he heard Frank on the phone to Jamia. What was fucking new there? He didn't sound quite as chirpy as he usually did though, Gerard could tell.

Hanging up, he dropped his head against the headboard.

"So, um, Jamia wants to come and stay next weekend" he began.

"Right. Whatever" Gerard replied coolly.

"Is that OK?" Frank asked.

"Yeah. I just said. Whatever. Don't worry I'll make myself scarce" Gerard bitched.

He didn't know why he was behaving like this. Yes Frank had pissed him off earlier, but he didn't have to act like such a pain in the ass. Still, he couldn't really snap out of it, and the thought of Frank and Jamia cosying up in his dorm did nothing to help his mood.

"I'm going for a walk" he said as he snatched his jacket.

"Jeez Gerard" Frank called after him. "I said I'm sorry about having a go. You don't need to be such a fuckin' dick about it."

Gerard slammed the door and strode off out of the building. He didn't know what the fuck was going on with him. He was pissed because Jamia was coming, and even more pissed because he would have to ask Lindsey here sooner or later. Frank was at the forefront of his mind though. And it was getting to him. He decided he was going to have to distance himself a bit. This was getting ridiculous. Yes that's what he would do. It was just some dumb fucking crush he told himself. If he put a bit of space between him and Frank it would soon stop.

Frank lay on his bed. He felt so guilty, but he didn't really want Jamia to come next weekend. He missed her yes, but in all honesty, he missed their friendship more than anything else. He didn't crave her touch or dream about her. He should do though, shouldn't he?

He convinced himself that once he saw her again everything would be OK. He would stop thinking about Gerard in a weird way. He threw his arm over his face and closed his eyes. He was instantly met with the vision of Gerard from the night before and felt sick at the thought.

'Fuck!' He thought to himself.

'Fucking fuck!'

Frerard - We're Just Friends (Part 1 of The 'Just Friends' Series)Where stories live. Discover now