Fights and First Dates Chapter 2

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Ashley was about to walk out the door. "No! You don't have to do this it's better than the things people at my old school called me. They called me a murderer. They said I had something going with the police and that's why I didn't go to jail" I protested. "She'll get worse if we don't do something" Lexi said. "I'm not scared of Shelby" I replied. Just then I got another text from her. -Hide your boyfriends Sabrina's after them ~Shelbs- I assumed that wasn't meant for me and the next text proved it. -I'm so sorry I didn't mean to send that to you. Well I'm glad you got it anyway now you know what everyone will think of you ~Shelbs- Great I thought to myself just great. "I don't care if you don't want me to I have to we're going over there right now" Ashley told me dragging me out the door all the way to Shelby's house. When we got there Shelby answered the door. "Look I don't have a brother you can go out with and I don't have a boyfriend you can steal" she said. "Look Shelby your getting really annoying! I know why Louis broke up with you and it wasn't because of Sabrina! Do you want to know why he broke up with you? He did it because you are a controlling little bitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself!" Ashley yelled. "Sure I'm a bitch if anything Sabrina is!" Shelby yelled back. "Were still on this? Why do you hate her so much?" Lexi asked. "Really why do you hate her? Is it because she's prettier than you? She's smarter than you? She's nicer than you? What is it?" Brittany questioned her. "I hate her because she stole my boyfriend! She's not prettier than me! The niceness is just a cover!" she yelled. "Shelby I don't think you've noticed but I'm not dating Louis. I'm not dating anyone. I have no desire to date him" I replied. Just then her mum walked out of the house. "What's going on out here?" she asked concerned. "Nothing mum they were just leaving" Shelby answered in a sharp tone. When her mom walked back in Shelby slapped me. "Bye bitch" she said. I punched her in the jaw. Something my brother taught me before he died. "No now bye bitch" Ashley replied leading me away. The next day at school it was horrible. The boys were sitting with us at lunch. Shelby and Madison walked up to us. "I thought you 2 weren't dating" Shelby said peering at me and Louis. "Listen boys and girls can be just friends. You wouldn't know that because every guy you tried to be friends with you ended up dating" Ashley defended. "I didn't date Harry. I didn't date Niall. I didn't date Zayn. I didn't date Liam" Shelby protested. "Your seriously going to use that?" Liam asked. "Whatever" she said rolling her eyes. "Is there something we can help you with?" Lexi asked sarcastically. "We came over here to ask Sabrina why she punched her in the face" Madison answered. "You punched her?" Zayn asked. I nodded. "She punched her because she was being a bitch. She slapped her and said bye bitch she deserved to be punched" Brittany replied. "If you want to see a bitch I'll show you one" Shelby said. She grabbed Louis and kissed him. "Honey your not being a bitch your being a slut" Ashley said. She broke her kiss that she forced Louis into and slapped Ashley. I noticed when she let go of Louis he looked disgusted. "Can you not punch? All you do is slap people" Lexi asked. "Shelby what I want to know is what happened to you?" Louis asked. "She happened to me! You need to go back to where you came from Sabrina! You need to stay out of my love life! Wait I forgot you can't they hate you because your hoe and you know it!" Shelby yelled. "Shelby I can't go back! I have nothing to go back to! I'm not in your 'love life'! Your right everyone does hate me! That's not why though! I'm not a hoe! I'm not a slut! I'm none of those things! I can't control what Louis does! If I could you two would still be together!" I yelled back holding back tears. "Shelby you don't know her. You don't know what she's been through. She told me why she moved and that sure as hell isn't it" Ashley stated clenching and unclenching her fist. "Calm down! Ashley, Sabrina sit down! Shelby leave!" Liam instructed. When she left we were quite for a seconds. "Why does she hate you so much?" Niall asked me breaking the silence. "She thinks Sabrina is the reason Louis broke up with her" Lexi answered for me. "Wait isn't-" He tried to say but was cut off. "No!" Harry said sternly cutting him off.


I liked Sabrina but I couldn't ask her out now. "Do it" Harry whispered to me as if he was reading my thoughts. "I can't did you see what just happened?" I whispered back. "Fine I'll do it for you" he replied. "No I'll do it" I whispered to him. "Sabrina do you want to see a movie tomorrow night?" I asked.

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