Chapter 4: Helpless

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Kai's POV.

It's been 2 weeks since I agreed to play the medium game with Jinora. I will admit that I haven't been doing well. I've been in between numb and barely being able to keep it together. The Air nation never had a form of military until recently. But we kept the air nomad traditions close to heart. We didn't eat meat, we didn't kill, and we didn't attack first.


"Kai you alright? Jinora's been worried about you a lot of people have. If you need help we have resources."-Pema.

"No, I'm fine. Honestly I am."

"Have you been sleeping? You've been getting out of your room more. But you eat small portions and then train for extensive amounts of time. It's not healthy. You should get some rest."-Pema.

"I'm fine ok. You're not my mom, I don't need more people worrying about me."- I could tell I hurt her but I just got up and left.

I went back into my room and put on my uniform. The Air Nation military suits were glider suits with the 3 Nation symbols on the back. On my chest I had 3 circler gold pins representing I was a Lieutenant in the Air Nation military. Bumi was our major General. I had a maroon ribbon meaning I was an Air Nation soldier. The first ribbon I got was a yellow one meaning I was a child soldier. I also wore a red service cap. I also flew around the city and eventually went to Bolin and Opal's apartment.

"Hey little bro!"-Bolin.

"Hey Bo. Hey Opal."

Before the war I traveled the earth kingdom with Opal helping out the small earth kingdom states. Opal became like an older sister. I found out she's also going to be my future sister in law.

"How've you been? You look Like you haven't slept in weeks."-Opal.

"I've just been fading in and out of sleep recently. I've been trying to catch up on a lot of things. I've been filling out papers."

"For what?"-Bolin.

"The city has been giving veterans money for fighting in the war but in return we need to write in depth what we did. Like if we killed anyone if so how many if not why not. I've been given a check but I can't bring myself to write anything. I don't want to remember what I've seen like all the soldiers we lost."

"Why did Tenzin even join the military? It goes against air nomadic tradition"-Bolin.

"He had no choice. The Fire Nation and Water Tribes were losing badly in the first few months. Tenzin signed the forms drafting Air Nation soldiers. But then the other 2 nations started letting specially trained teens into the war. So Tenzin allowed anyone 15 or older with tattoos into the war. We had to keep up with the war demand."

"How come Bolin never got money? He served for a year."-Opal.

"The grant is for anyone who was taken. Bolin returned after his year of service safely. I gotta get going. It was nice catching up again."

Before heading back to the island I stopped at a drugstore.

"Watch looking for Kid?"-Shopkeeper.

"Do you have any sleeping pills?"

"Yeah. Seems like every vet is coming through for something. Especially the kids."-Shopkeeper.

"You'd need help if you fought in the war."

"My Great Grandfather and Grandfather fought in the 100 year war. Seems like history repeats. Here you go kid, be safe alright. Take to many they can mess you up."-Shopkeeper.


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