Chapter 3: Take a break

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2 weeks later an airship landed on the island. According to Korra these were the last 100 soldiers that were taken. I ran through the crowd and found Kai.

"You're alive."- I ran into his arms.

"Good to know you missed me."-Kai, he was struggling to stand and walk.

Kai was taller but after being underground for so long he looked faded. War isn't easy for anyone but Kai looked and sounded like he had it a lot worse then some of the others.

"I should get you to Kya."

We walked to the med bay where my aunt examined him. My father and I where in the office with him.

"When was the last time you ate?"-Kya.

"My first full meal was on the airship 2 weeks ago. I was starved for the majority of my time underground."-Kai.

"How long were you underground?"-Kya.

"A year maybe? There was a calendar and clock but it was hard to keep track of time."-Kai.

"I'm surprised you lasted so long. Well now that your back take it easy with food your body hasn't had so much food in a long time."-Kya.

"I got through it by meditating. I tried so many times to spirit project but it never worked. I woke up a few times in the spirit world but those visits didn't last long."-Kai.

"I'd say just take it easy for the next few weeks."-Kya.

Kai nodded and he had a somber look on his face. He was hiding something but obviously didn't want to talk about it. He looked like he had a million thoughts running through his head.

"Jinora could you show him to his room?"-Tenzin.

"Sure, come on Kai."

I was giving Kai a tour of the island since some buildings were expanded. We were walking down the quart yard that separated the men and women dormitories. He was talking and even cracked a smile.

"You never answered my question. Do you love me?"-Kai.

"I don't know. I mean we haven't seen each other in 3 years. # years and a war can change a person. I mean look at you what happened to the carefree, goofy, and loveable kid you were."

"I grew up. I can also tell you have to. But love isn't conditional. You either love someone or you don't. I mean those characteristics are still inside me but I didn't get to let them out as much. So where are we?"-Kai.

"I don't really want to play the long game but I think it's hard to pick up where we left off. How about the medium game? 2 month to get to know each other again. Deal?"

"Deal. I'm just happy to be back here with you."-Kai.

"Me too."

Mako and Bolin came to see Kai and give him his medal of honor. But Kai said he shouldn't get a medal for kidnapping a child. But everyone told him it was justified. Kai's room was across the quart yard from mine that night. I could see that there was always light in his room. He was told to take it easy and he did. Before Kai would constantly train but now all he did was eat and shut himself in his room. For the last 2 weeks that's all he did.

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