Its time for tragedy..

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(Ayo you guys know I'll keep apologizing cause school sucks and it keeps me really busy so I'm sorry if I take a month or 2 to upload 😭)


It's been this "treat Nolan like shit" thing I had to do has been going on and it was driving me nuts ok? I felt like at any second I would of said "hey Nolan don't blame me!- you are my future husband and I don't wanna treat you like shit but I have to ok? Or else our future will change and you know what? I don't want that, why? Cause future me is happy and I want that happiness" I may sound selfish by saying that but I will never forget how happy and chill future me was and how cute Nolan was in the future as a father. To be honest Nolan doesn't seem like an ugly doll...i was narcissistic and to perfectionist to notice that...or well-
don't get me wrong- I'm still a perfectionist but I'm not too much of a "bully" now, I guess...

But back to the main point I'm sick and tired- or better said- I WAS sick and tired of treating Nolan like shit. Cause guess what?

A day ago Tuesday came into my office to tell me that some "extremely ugly dolls" came into our perfect doll world to go to the real world of something- and when I went to cheek, she was right on something, they were here, the pills I needed! But they were not that bad. They were just...

Not human dolls...more like...


I don't really know what they are, plushies? I guess

Who cares

I need to complete what happened to get my future back!


It's been days and it's finally the day of the race.
I know what I have to do...


And so it began.

I ran like an idiot making sure everyone got caught by something...and yes I let Nolan get pretty much eaten by the dog...

And so of course I was not feeling the best by doing all this, that was until that fucking baby grab me by the leg.

I felt a rage in my body that I have never felt before.

Why was that thing touching me?..

That was the only thing I could thing about in that moment.

And so I kicked it as hard as I could and as a consequence, he let go of me letting me fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

with  that I ran all the way to the finishing line and I knew what was coming but I didn't care.

All I want is my happy ending...

It's that too much to ask?..









It's been...5 fucking years...since all that happened... and I feel so alone...

Where was Nolan...? I've been fucking waiting for him FOR YEARS NOW YEARS!!...

but I've had enough..

I'm not going to wait anymore.
He can go to hell for all I care.

What was I thinking anyways? have a happy ending?.. hah.. don't make me laugh.



It's been 5 years since we've all been free from Lou's hands but..for some reason I feel like there something I should have done...

When I told the dolls that day to put Lou in the washing mashing he looked at me heart broken but his eyes where not pleading for forgiveness they just seemed betrayed and sad...

I don't know why though.

But oh well, today I was asked by Mandy to go back to the perfect world to look for some stuff that we needed for a presentation we were going to do for the new dolls that where coming soon.

And so here I am now, from what Mandy told me they are at the park near the school I use to go. So of course I got there in no time, I may have left a long time ago but I still know my way around.

So I kept walking until I got to the schools entrance, there I took a left that would lead me straight to the park.

But as I walked to the park I could hear a voice
Not any voice though, it sound sad.. and deep.

So I got closer and closer to the park entrance and I was in complete and utter shock.

There, sitting in the sand pile was none other than the most perfect doll existing.

Lou thought he looked extremely different from what he use to..

His hair was longer, his eyes had dark circles under them, and I mean azabache black dark circles. He looked like he hadn't sleep in days..!

But then again...why? After everything he has done..why does it worried me to see him like that..?

I feel like I should go to him and talk to him...

I wouldn't hurt to just chat to him a bit right..?

And so I took a huge deep breath and I walked slowly to him, with each step I took I got more nervous than before, I felt like exploding right there and now.

And so I got closer and closer...and...I...just tapped his shoulder.

Bad idea.

The moment he felt my finger in his shoulder he grabbed my wrist really hard turn me around and pinned me to the floor as if I was about to kill him.

"Don't you dare touc-!!"

I don't really know why but he stopped mid-sentence, took a look at me and his face went from surprise to full hate.

"You..." he said with anger

I honestly thought I was about to get beaten to a pulp and I was ready for what was coming, or what I thought was coming, cause after he said that he just got up and began to walk away.

"Huh? L-Lou wait up!" I said as I got up, why was he leaving just like that? I'm lost.

I mean wait- maybe he still mad about the washing mashing thing...

"I don't know why your here Nolan, but go do whatever you have to do and fuck off.." he said, and honestly if looks could kill I'd be dead now..

"W-wait Lou!..I need to talk to you!.."

"I don't need no fake apology coming from you Nolan!.."  he answered

"Look I know your mad about the washing mashing thing but please let me talk alright.."

"That what you think I'm mad about!?"  He said, but I could swear I heard his voice crack

"Yeah I mean..look...I'm sorry alright...I was just mad, because you would always treat me and the others so badly...and when I thought you could change you went back to being mean..."

He was silent but I felt like there was something he wanted to say.

And then he began to walk away.

Oh god... I'm sorry Mandy your going to have to wait a little longer for the stuff... I need to find out something now..


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