Let's just follow the plan...

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///no idea if I had put this pic before but there it is lol///


today was another boring day at the Perfect School and I have notice something since I fell out of that portal...

for some weird reason, I never forgot about anything. And I'm pretty damn sure that I drank from that pretty white shiny drink!

But o damn, what gives. My problem is not that didn't forget anything, my problem is that Nolan did...

And now I have this mix fillings for him...I don't know if I love him or if I hate him for not remembering or if I want to marry him and have kids with him or- AHHHH I DONT KNOW!!

But I need him to remember somehow I can't just stand here knowing the future while he is there playing the "I don't remember shit" role.















Ok, I have no idea how to get him to remember me without me telling him the whole truth. So I might as well just keep giving him small hints to see if he eventually catches on...

So yeah, like I said another boring day of me teaching dolls that can go the real world unlike me. Like you might remember, I am a prototype doll, meaning that I'm pretty much the example of other dolls to follow. It's kind of annoying having to teach others so they can leave but I can't leave myself. But then again I already know the future so might as well just wait for it to happen. But...If I think about it...how long will it take for that future to come?...that little thought got me annoyed. So pretty much I have to stay here like some kind of bimbo doll waiting for something to happen. Wich might take years to happen!!

Augh....why can't I just forget everything!!!...

And of course, before I could continue my perfect mental whining someone decided to rudely interrupt me by knocking on my door.

Oh Jesus doll...who is it!?... I ask annoyed.

Lou, you are needed in the basics classroom said Mandy, one of my helpers

(i just invented the 'basics classroom' so deal with it 🤡)

I, annoyed as ever, went to the basics classroom which is pretty much the class of the beginners or as you could call them, the new ones.

I explained the things that needed to be explained and was about to leave when suddenly someone decided to touch my pretty arm.

I turn around to see one of my most annoying personal helpers, Tuesday...

What? I ask not very happy about her presence 

Hey Lou~! so I was wondering if we could you know go get a coffee or something and talk about next week's plans. she asks with a happy grin on her face 



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