Chapter 4: The Neko and the Phoenix

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We see (Y/n) and Rossweisse sleeping together, then (Y/n) wakes up and sees Rossweisse still asleep.

(Y/n): Time to pull out the secret weapon, nya!

(Y/n) gets out of the bed and goes over to where Rossweisse's feet are, and started tickling them with his tail. Which got Rossweisse up while laughing.


(Y/n): Morning momma, nya.

Rossweisse: Oh, good morning (Y/n). Did you sleep well?

(Y/n): Mmhm.

Rossweisse: Come on, let's get you dressed and fed.

Later, we see the group inside the building except for the fallen angels, who were inside practicing their singing, (Y/n) was playing with his beyblades, Rias was talking to Akeno and Asia, and everyone else was either practicing or talking to each other. Just then a orange magic circle appeared in the ground as fire shot upwards and what came out was someone we all know and hate.

 Just then a orange magic circle appeared in the ground as fire shot upwards and what came out was someone we all know and hate

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Riser: And Riser has arrived to the human world!

Rias: What do you want Riser?

Riser: What, can't Riser visit the one Riser is betrothed to?

Rias: Get the idea out of your head Riser, I will not marry you.

Riser: Oh Rias, with our lack of pure blooded devils, you can't simply think to be so selfish. Not to mention, Riser can't allow you to sully his family name.

Rias: Riser I am not denying you to the right to our family name, but I will not marry you, I will marry the man I love, and I do not love you.

Riser: Riser must say Rias, are these your friends, Riser would hate to have to burn them and burn the entire building to the ground. Riser would also hate to have to tell your father about you denying family tradition.

Everyone gasped in horror except for (Y/n), who was still playing with his beyblades.

Rias: I will not marry you Riser, and that's final.

Riser: Perhaps a rating game?

Riser snapped his fingers which made the magic orange circle appear and then 15 girls appeared from it.

Riser snapped his fingers which made the magic orange circle appear and then 15 girls appeared from it

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Mira: Ravel? What are you doing here?

Ravel: .... Where is he?

Akeno: Where's who?

Ravel: You know who I'm talking about.

Suddenly they all hear a burst.

???: Aw man, I messed up again, nya.

Everyone turned around to see an adorable site: There was (Y/n) picking up the parts of his bursted beyblade and putting the parts back to get and setting up his launcher. Riser's peerage looked at the little neko with hearts in their eyes, but no one was more excited to see (Y/n) other than Ravel.

Ravel: Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Ravel tackled (Y/n) to the floor as everyone else looked on in shock, as they never seen Ravel act like this before.

(Y/n): W-what's happening?! Nya?!

Ravel: I've waited a long time for this~🥰

Ravel kissed (Y/n) on the lips! Everyone looked on in shock than ever, with Rias and Isami were holding back Koneko and Akeno. Once Ravel finished kissing (Y/n) she then starting kissing (Y/n) all over his face. Riser's knights came over to get Ravel off of (Y/n).

Riser: Who is this damn brat?

And at this moment Riser knew. HE. FUCKED. UP! This is how (Y/n) reacted.

(Imagine this being (Y/n) with kiss marks)

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(Imagine this being (Y/n) with kiss marks)

Soon (Y/n) started crying because of the comment Riser made of him. Ravel went over to her brother and decked him on his neck.

Riser: Ow! What was that for?!

Ravel: You know what you did, you monster!

Rias walked over to (Y/n) and picked him up in his arms.

Rias: Did the mean man hurt your feelings?

(Y/n): *Nods while crying* Mmm hmm.

Rias gives (Y/n) a kitten plushie to make him feel better and also a baby bottle to help him relax. Soon (Y/n) had fallen fast asleep, Rias walked him over to the couch and put him down on it and placed a blanket over him. Everyone awed and coed at the little neko sleeping.

Rias: As for you Riser, I'm sure my father would be upset at you for insulting the most powerful being in existence.

Riser: What are you talking about?

Asia: I thought you knew, (Y/n) wields the strongest scared gear in the universe.

Now Riser really knew he dug up is own grave.

Riser: I... Um...

Rias: Leave now Riser.

Riser: Fine, but Riser will be back.

Riser snapped his finger and disappeared, but his peerage stayed.

Rias: What are you all still doing here?

Yubelluna: We though why not stick around for a while?

Mihae: Also we like to know who the little neko is.

Just then Ile, Nel, and Ravel zipped way from the group and onto the couch and cuddled up with (Y/n) and what really annoyed the girls was when (Y/n) snuggled with Ravel's breasts. But to Ravel to was a dream come true.

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