One or more

26 1 0

I was quite wondering what the next chapter of this book should be about. Well, till now we have dealt with being funny, broken hearts and mended them and lived with 786 words(precisely) in lone-ly-ness. So now that we are funny and popular, single and alone, it is time we start dating someone. Or 10. 

Yes, we are now going to master the ancient technique of handling 10 girlfriends (or boyfriends) which we thought was long forgotten. Well, I don't think this art is so different from a company that is maintaining 10 clients. So assuming, you've already gathered 10 boyfriends, you can handle all of them thusly:

Define your core values: Your values should be broad themes that defines your image as a boyfriend. "Tony Stark, billionaire genius " is an example of one such core value- it says "Hi I'm committed towards providing smartness." Similarly, you should write down the set of core values that your girlfriends can expect when they're hanging out with you. Example: You are hanging out with A, and she asks you something. You are supposed to answer it correctly, cause you are expected to be smart.

Formulate/Solidify your narrative: All the details that will make you unique and identifiable must be tailored into a narrative so that it is specific enough to promote bonding, but not so specific that you fall asleep with nailing down specific details. This narrative should include  ideological details so that both you and your girlfriends are always on the same page. For example, if you spend the night on a Saturday with A, you probably won't call to see if she wants to hang out on Sunday afternoon because that's your 'Me-time' (Or a B or C or D time.)

If you're inviting them back to your apartment, be extremely careful about evidence. Vacuum up stray hairs,  empty your trash, and put away gifts/cards if any.

Keep a spreadsheet of what you've done: That's if you have a bad memory. Google Calendar for scheduling accommodations etc. Take notes - lots of them - after each date. Go back and read the notes before you go on a date or respond to any communication.

Verticalize: So how bad is calling 'A' with some other girlfriend's name? What if you get confused between D and J? Or B and C? I personally recommend verticalizing across a specific first name- like Alia for example, means you will never call out the wrong name at inopportune times. Or you can set a common nick name to all of them, which is both cheesy and easy.

Practice your delivery: The delivery of your narrative should be practiced so that there's no question about your core values. This is so that you don't have to customize the details of the story content to each girlfriend and become bogged down with "What did I tell GF1 and what to GF2" Memorizing this will also free you efforts in real-time on the style of delivery and will need less customization.

Identify your value to each girlfriend: Realise that each girlfriend is a unique snowflake, with unique sensitivities and therefore has a specific set of reasons why they are in a relationship with you. Use this knowledge to periodically re-emphasize verbally, as well through action to reassure the girl that she is making the right choice by being your girlfriend.

Tailor and offer a customized interactive experience: Each time you're with a specific girlfriend, you're delivering a unique experience, make sure that each girlfriend receives an experience that's uniquely theirs. 

Listen to your girlfriends: This will conserve your energy, and prevent you from getting your stories mixed up. Also it will help you tailor your next moves using your girlfriend's individual experiences.

Play smart: Girlfriend A messages in the morning "Hey baby did you have a nice sleep? I had a dream about you. Muaahhhh" Forward this message Girlfriend B. If Girlfriend B's reply sounds fine, forward that reply to Girlfriend A. It saves a lot of time and typing. I call it "maximum bipartite matching of messages between girlfriends"

Roll out innovation periodically and thoughtfully: special, um, musical talent? roll out specific moves on your gf on special occasions, then if the reception is positive, expand the scope to extent to the others. Eventually, it'll be part of an expanded core value.

Apply the 80:20 principle: Every girlfriend is different, some boring, some entertaining. 20 percent of your girlfriends will probably generate 80 percent of enjoyment, while the other 80 will only get you 20 percent of enjoyment, demanding 80 percent of your effort. Trim and edit your meetings with the boring ones accordingly. Discard if they're consuming too much effort and resources. Keep Red-Bull stocks if necessary.

Play safe: Like the rapper Ludacris says, hos in different area codes. Choose an excuse that requires you to travel around, thereby facilitating the process of meeting with different girlfriends one-on-one. 

Also, In this age of the technology, the cellphone is often considered to be an invaluable tool to conduct a secret love affair. The cellphone is considered a "personal use" gadget that is intended to be used only by its owner, so have some security on it. This will help in keeping all transactions secret.

Second, the portability of the cellphone allows for immediate contact. This may be crucial in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as a surprise visit from one of your girlfriends, as so often happens in movies if not real life. I suggest you use "acceptable" names for your girlfriends. (Like Mailman, name of a nearby restaurant manager or some guy name)

Thirdly, Never talk about any other women in front of any girl friend.

and Take each girl to a different set of date spots to avoid being caught by staff. It'll also make it easier for you to associate memories with girls.

Time-Division Multiplexing: Start by learning where you're actually spending your time, then make adjustments accordingly. Using a timer-based tracking tool to keep track of various tasks/projects which a)help you better understand how long tasks actually take (most people underestimate) and b) allocate adequate time for those tasks in the future.

Plan ahead and outsource properly: Get a friend who is good at planning help you. Or get some high school kids, they're cheap and easily bribed (although, ensure that their loyalty is secure by giving them perks that gives them elite status among their peers) You can also outsource love-note writing to your romantic friends. (You might need a personal assistant, financial adviser, a life coach, and a psychologist to manage your time, money, emotions and mind.)

and Don't tell anybody - anybody! - what you're doing. It's a small world.


Unfortunately, I have no experience in managing ten girlfriends, but I vouch for the methods. (They didn't work when I tried handling three, but I'm sure you are smart and attractive as hell. Another possible conclusion is these working for only even number of partners, like it worked with 0.)

Caution: You are simply engaging in a series of potentially risky encounters with a large number of women which will eventually have one or more negative repercussions for you.


The Risk free methods:  (For men who are an insult to testosterone)

Well, the easiest method to handle 10 girls (or boys) is to dump nine of them. 

Or, You permit your girlfriends to know of each other: Polygamous relationships have existed since the dawn of civilization. History is littered with examples of harems, from the imperial harem of the Ottoman Sultan, to the 4,000 concubines of Montezuma II, to modern-day Mormons in our own backyard in Utah. Women tacitly accept these arrangements, and are kept satisfied with the guarantee of basic economic resources. In this case, pre-select girlfriends who are comfortable with polygamy.


So yes, that's it. Good luck and have fun. 

PS: If you fail, and if a girl dumps you, do not hesitate to send me her contact details.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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