Kiss It Better

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"You never cease to amaze me with the number of idiotic accidents you cause" Johnathan complained, helping his partner into their base and allowing him to try and walk for himself. The base consisted of a small lab, a living room, a small kitchen, a bedroom, bathroom, and an office, it was honestly quite nice for what it was.

"You don't need to patronize me, Crane, I would have been just fine on my Ow-" Edward was cut off by the searing pain in his leg as he fell backward into John's arms who looked down at him with a condescending smirk "oh really? Then walk to the couch on your own if you're so fine," he said, pushing Nygma back up. Edward gulped and adjusted his posture, he took his first step, so far so good, then the second step, suddenly the sharp searing pain was back, and he yelped, fell forward, but was caught before he hit the ground by his arm being grabbed and him being pulled back up.

"Thanks, you were right" he mumbled

"What was that?" crane asked, cocking an eyebrow

"I SAID YOU WERE RIGHT, OK?!" Edward hollered, obviously very embarrassed.

"of course, I was... come now, let me see if I have anything for your leg," Crane said comfortingly, quickly picking up Edward and carrying him to the bathroom.

He placed Edward on the edge of the bathtub and propped his leg up on the closed toilet.

Carefully, he rolled up Edwards's pant leg to reveal the large bruise that had been causing his lover pain.

"Oh dear, this is bad, looks like we'll have to amputate, hold still dear" Johnathan joked.

"WHAT?! JOHN NO I-" Edward screamed but was cut off by Johnathan's laughter

"I'm only kidding Nygma, you seem to have just bruised it, but I can wrap it with an ice pack and give you some painkillers," he said, standing up and rummaging through the medicine

"y'know that was a real dick move crane, you scared the shit out of me- oh that was the point wasn't it," Nygma said,

"mhmm," John said, pulling the painkillers and tensor bandages from the cabinet

"I'll be right back Ed, I'm just going to grab an ice pack." He said leaving the bathroom and going to get the ice.

A few moments later, John returned with the ice pack. He placed it on the bruise and Edward winced at the sudden cold. Johnathan quickly wrapped the tensor around it.

"there we go, is that better Ed?" he asked, filling up a small paper cup with some water and handing it to his partner, as well as a Tylenol.

"can you kiss it better?" Edward asked, looking at Crane with faux puppy dog eyes

"Edward, I am not kissing your wounds, that's just weird," he said

"well then can you just kiss me?" he asked

Crane rolled his eyes and quickly pecked Edward on the forehead, but before he could pull away, Edward pulled him into a kiss. They locked lips for a moment before Crane pulled back.

He quickly picked up Edward once more and carried him to the couch, placing him down, and sitting beside him. Crane turned on the tv and began watching, suddenly Edward's pain wasn't as bad as it once had, I guess that kiss worked after all.    

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