Chapter 1: What did you miss

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After Asami and Korra left for the spirit world Kuvira escaped. Kuvira took control for 3 years even after Korra returned Kuvira grew even more powerful. But after those 3 years Kuvira's power and passion dwindled after the kidnapping of her 1 year old son. Korra and the military force of the Water, Air, and Fire nation tracked her down and found Kuvira. Kuvira surrendered but during her rain many people went missing. After surrendering Kuvira is promised her son back if she helps locate all the missing people.

2 years earlier Kuvira has been in control for a year. Jinora POV.

I was sitting in on a United nation meeting with my father. I was excited to finish the meeting. Kai was supposed to be returning from his year of service. Under age airbenders with tattoos and special permission we're allowed to help with the war. Kai was one of the first to sign up. But at the end of every meeting the 3 nations were handed a folder of their nations soldiers who went missing. The earth military was non-existent Kuvira had a grip on the earth's kingdom minus Republic City and Zaofu. My father looked through the folder. Since the Air nation was the smallest nation he knew or knew of all the people who went missing. There were only 5 names today. My father's face was usually disappointed when he saw the names but today there was a deep expression of sadness. He buried his face in his hands and slid the folder to Korra and Asami. Both of them had the same reaction when they looked at me I already knew but I had to ask.

"No...let me see the folder." Korra handed me a single sheet of paper.

"Jinora I'm so sorry."-Asami.

I saw Kai's picture. The paper had the word Missing across the top with Kai's description beneath the photo. I burst into tears Asami and Korra held on to me. I flew to Bolin and Opal's apartment, Mako, and Chief Beifong were there for dinner. When Opal saw me in the doorway she didn't say anything. Mako and Bolin saw me with the sheet of paper.

"She took Kai." Those were the only words I was able to say.

The next few weeks were somber. I barely ate, slept, and trained all I did was cry. People rarely found the ones who ended up dead. I didn't want to get a folder saying he was dead.

A year later Kuvira's son and husband went missing. No one knew where they were except the leaders of the 3 nations. If Kuvira wanted her family back she had to surrender. While all that was happening I had joined the air nation forces at 16 I joined to find Kai. But when we all heard she surrendered everyone was called back to Republic city. We all marched to her location which is the misty palms spring. Kuvira surrendered. She was told she would spend the rest of her life in prison but if she told us where the missing people were held she'd get the chance of parole. Kuvira agreed since she wanted to be with her family. But Kuvira's followers didn't come so easily. There was a large battle and I was injured badly.

So when the time came to find the missing people I was held back at Air temple island. I would wait on the island and every few months a group of air benders would return. But in every group no one had seen Kai.

During Kuvira's first downfall I had just turned 14 Kai was a few months away from 15. Now during Kuvira's second downfall I've just turned 17 and am still waiting for Kai to return.

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