Chapter 9

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Nialls POV

I heard her screaming. I was just outside the house getting fresh air. I could never leave my princess even if she kissed my best friend. I ran back into the house. I heard the screaming from the bathroom. I banged on the door, but nothing. I then decided to bust down the door. While I was, I think I messed up my arm. I finally had the door down. On the floor was my princess. Blood was everywhere. I knew what to do. I called the ambulance right away. Not even 5 minutes and they were here. They put her in the vehicle and I jumped in. I couldn't stop crying. This is my fault. If I would of never said I was leaving she wouldn't of cut herself. We finally got to the hospital she was rushed to a room and I had to wait just like last time. I had called Liam to come so that I had a ride home. He showed up after 15 minutes. We sat in the waiting room. I was so worried. After about 2 hours, the doctor showed up. He had a very sad look on his face. I started freaking out.

“Doctor, whats going on?”

“She’s in a coma.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes when a person goes through a lot of trauma, they will slip into a coma.” “Sometimes they will even block out that trauma, and will forget it even happened.”

“What if she forgets about me?”

“That is a very slim chance.”

“Can I go see her?”


I began walking to her room. As I walked towards her room I began thinking about my life without Lilly, but it was like she was always in my life. I only remember from the time I met her. I began getting tears in my eyes. A single tear slipped down my face. I quickly wiped it off. I made it to her room and opened the door. When I saw her I began crying. She looked lifeless. Her body was limp. Her arm was bandaged and she was cold. Her body though was moving. You could see her breathing. I sat down next to her bed and grabbed her hand. I brought it to my lips and kissed it. I then started telling her every memory we had together.

“Do you remember when we played dare. When you licked the whip cream off my nose. Do you remember the day I saw you in Nandos. I was so nervous to talk to you. When I saw you I knew you were the one. You were so beautiful and still are. I promised to take care of you and I failed. “I’m so sorry babe. Please don't forget about me or leave me. I love you so so much.”

The doctor then came in. I wiped my tears off my face.

“Visiting hours are over.”


I kissed her forehead and left. I walked up to Liam and began crying. He hugged me and told me everything is gonna be fine. We walked out of the hospital and Liam dropped me off at my house. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I was depressed. Now I understand what Lilly is going through. I must stay strong though, for Lilly. She means the world to me.

I visited her every day. A month past and she still hadn't woken up. Her birthday is in 2 days. I didn't know what she wanted. I know what I wanted though. I want her to wake up. The weeks have been long and the doctors say she is getting better. I talk to her everyday from the time I'm allowed to visit to the time I have to go. Today I'm gonna go shopping. Maybe I will find her something. I decided to go to a jewelry shop. I know how much she loves jewelry. I got in my car and stopped at Starbucks to get my favorite. A vanilla bean frappuccino. I have decided it’s my favorite thanks to Lilly. I then drove to the jewelry shop. I walked in there and I already was nervous the shop was packed. I didn't want anybody to notice me. I walked around looking. I saw a beautiful ring. It was sterling silver. It had a diamond, not a big diamond but big enough. I realized thats what I should get her. A promise ring. I know LIlly is the one. I grabbed that ring and on the way back I saw this beautiful necklace. It was silver with a diamond four leaf clover. I grabbed that also I had an idea. I walked up to the counter and did what I had to do. She was gonna lover her present. I then drove to the hospital. Today I wouldn't get as much time with her but every second counts. I walked into the hospital and didn't even need to sign in. I have been here so much they just expect me to come now. I walked into Lily's room and I almost dropped to the floor. I saw her sitting there on the bed. Is this a dream or is this real. I began crying. She then got off the bed and started walking towards me. She bent down and stared into my eyes. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my feet. I hugged her so tight. I felt my shirt get wet and realized she was crying. I ran my hands through her hair.

“Niall I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

Her voice was so weak. I couldn't imagine how she feels. She must feel weak.

“Hush babe. No need to say anything.”

I picked her up and walked her back to her bed. I grabbed her hands and bent down on my knees.

“Lilly I know we have been through a lot and I know that I have hurt you, but I promise I will try not to anymore. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I know that we are too young to get married.”

I pulled the small black box out of my pocket.

“This ring is a promise that someday we will be married. Its a promise that I will keep you safe and that we will be together forever.”

I slipped the ring on Lilly’s finger and she just stared at it. She then began crying. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. The doctor came in and asked me to sit down for a bit. He began asking questions to make sure she didn't lose her memory. This process took a few minutes then the doctor told me to come with him. We walked out in the hallway and then the doctor told me that she hadn't lost any memory. I was so happy. I jumped with joy. We walked back in the room and I hugged Lilly.

“You guys are good to leave. Just fill out the release papers.”

“Ok, thanks.”

The doctor had left. I gave Lilly her clothes to change into. I left the room and waited. She walked out of the room and I grabbed her hand. Oh how I missed her. She meant the world to me and if I ever lost her I would go crazy.

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