Chapter 11: Metalhead Rewired

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I was not happy.

Donnie had woken me up from my sweet nap just to test out Metalhead who he had been working on ever since our last accident with him turning into a Kraang robot.

He wanted to test out his new and upgraded robot with the others but I backed out and just sat on the sidelines, watching my brothers fight off the robot. And failing miserably.

Long story short, he pounded all of them into the ground before father called off the training. But Metalhead was still in training mode and had his rocket fist still activated, swinging Mikey around the dojo as he screamed.

"Can I get off the ride now?!"

"Donatello!" Father yelled at his son.

"Metalhead! Stop training program!" He ordered which the robot easily followed, calling his hand to connect back to its robotic arm and dropping Mikey onto the ground.

"Sorry, Sensei. But all in all, I say that was a really successful test." He smiled sheepishly.

"Successful?! Metalhead almost ripped Mikey's face off!" Leo shouted.

"Please. I had it all under control." Donnie crossed his arms.

"And when you don't?" Leo asked, glaring at him.

"Donatello has created a powerful tool. It is to our advantage to study our enemy's techniques. But you must use that tool wisely." Father stated, cutting off the two boys.

"Yeah, cause last time didn't fair so well with your robot friend." I stated as I got up and walked over to stand in front of Metalhead to stare into his robotic glowing eyes. "I still don't trust this rusty junk of metal after that Kraang slip up. And now I'm not sure I trust you for rebuilding him." I said, looking over to glare at Donnie.

"Come on. I know what happened the first time was bad but not all experiments work on the first try. You just have to keep creating until you get it right." Donnie explained, trying to defend his new robot friend.

"You'll never get me to trust any robot. Ever! I didn't even trust him the first time you built him! This thing is going to end up as a failed mistake! I say you destroy him before he destroys us first again!" I shouted at him.

"Now you're just judging a book by its cover!" He glared back at me.

"Am I?!" Yeah, I shouldn't really judge. But I just can't let what happened last time happen again.

"Myrina." Father cut me off as I sighed and turned to look at him with a hateful expression. "Any advantage is good to have. But not everything can go according to plan. We all make mistakes. But even inanimate objects have the ability to change."

I glared at him, trying my best not to lash out as I balled my hands into fists. "Yeah right. Just watch. That thing is going to end up spazzing out on the fritz and is going to try to kill us again! And when that happens, don't say I didn't told you so!"

Just as I finished yelling, an alarm from Metalhead's megaphone started going off as Donnie went to inspect him.

"What's wrong with him now?" Leo asked.

"Something tripped the security wires. It's approaching the lair fast!" Donnie stated.

"See?! Nothing good ever comes from him!" I accused.

"Listen. You can either stop yelling and suck it up or come help us! Your choice!" Donnie glared before he and the others all ran out the lair to the area in the sewers where the the alarm was going off from, leaving Metalhead behind just in case.

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