Even The Tiniest Hearts Break

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Author's note: First of all I want to thank you ALL for following this story. It's been a hell of a ride so far. Normal warnings apply *smut* This one might tug your heartstrings a little.

(Y/N) sighs as she fights with (y/d/n) for the third time that week to get ready to leave the house. It had been a few days since John had walked out after her fight with Beth. Since that day her little girl had been absolutely uncontrollable. Usually the little girl was a perfect angel and didn't talk back, didn't cause any trouble. Every day the girl asked if Mr. John had called, if he was still taking her to the ranch that Saturday. Now it was Saturday and (Y/N) hadn't heard from John. She'd come up with as many excuses as she could, not wanting to see the heart break in her daughter's eyes or the anger that she knew would be pointed at her. The little girl didn't understand why her newfound best friend wasn't around anymore. She was far too young to understand the complications between adults, and she wanted to keep it that way. This was the whole reason she hadn't dated since Matt left. She didn't want to put her little girl through this, but she'd done it anyway. She feels tears prick her eyes as she finally gets her daughter's coat on and grabs her purse. "Come on, sweetheart. Mama's gonna be late for work. Lu is going to watch you. She said if you're good she'll take you to the park and ice cream shop, okay?" She smiles, trying to hide the pain as her daughter screams at her. "Mama, no! You can't work today! What if Mr. John calls? What if he comes to pick me up?" The little girl stomps her feet, her eyes filled with tears as her mother doesn't answer her and instead just walks her over to Lu's. She doesn't say a word to her mama, not a wave or kiss goodbye, nothing. She didn't understand why her mama wouldn't just call John. She watches as her mama drives to the diner, a plan forming in her little head. 

(Y/d/n) looks up at Lu with a smile on her little face. "Miss Lu. Did mama remind you that I'm supposed to go see Mr. John today? We're supposed to go riding today." She says with a smile, playing it up big time for the older woman. "I was good all week so that I could go. Please?" Lu raises an eyebrow and chuckles softly. "You're sure that Mr. John knows you're coming and that your mama knows too?" The little girl nods and grabs her coat. "I promise, Miss Lu. Can we go?" She claps and giggles happily as Lu leads her to the car and starts the drive out to the ranch. She was excited. She knew Mr. John would be so happy that she remembered. As soon as Lu stops the car at the ranch, (y/d/n) sees John and jumps out of the car, smiling brightly and calling out for him. "Mr. John! I was good all week just like you said." 

John had been enjoying a quiet breakfast with Beth for once and was just kissing her cheek before she rode off with Rip when he heard the little girl's voice. He closes his eyes and curses softly as Beth pushes him aside slightly and looks over at the girl. He tried to keep his surprise off his face as he turned to greet the little girl. "Hey darlin'. What are you doing here?" He says softly, his voice slightly stiff and apparently wasn't missed by the sweet little girl in front of him as her face fell. "Your mama know you're here, honey?" He asks softly, kneeling down in front of her. The little girl looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "You don't look happy to see me, Mr. John? You forgot didn't you? Mama said you've been busy with the ranch and stuff, but I thought..." She sniffles and hangs her little head. "I'm sorry if I did something to make you mad, Mr. John. I'm real sorry." John was just about to wrap his arms around the girl when he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Beth hold out a hand to the little girl. "I've got this one, Daddy. Go get a horse saddled." 

Beth didn't like the fact her dad was dating again, and she certainly didn't like the little girl in the picture at first, but then she'd actually sat and talked to her father, learned about the hardships that (Y/N) and her little girl. She didn't feel bad for the mother at all, but the little girl, that tugged at the strings her of hardened heart. Seeing the little girl tear up when she realized her father had no intention of riding with her was all Beth could take. She leads the girl into the house and picks her up, setting her on the counter. "Ever had ice cream for breakfast?" She grins and tickles the little girls side before turning to Lu. "You can go back home to your husband, Lu. I'll make sure she gets home before her mother gets off, alright?" She watches the older woman turn and leave reluctantly. She turns and gives the little girl a knowing look. "Your mama doesn't know you're here does she?" She scoops them each some ice cream and hands the girl hers as she waits for an answer. "No..no ma'am. She..she wouldn't let me call Mr. John. She said he was busy. I think I made him go away." She says softly, tears in  her little eyes. Beth sighs and shakes her head. "No, you stop that now, little miss. That outlook won't get you anywhere in life. Other people's actions are not your fault. And this especially wasn't. This was a grown up matter that little girls shouldn't get involved in." She ruffles the girl's hair and leans against the counter. "You're smart and you're sneaky and you go after what you want. I like that. Tell you what, you go out there and tell him the truth, that your mama doesn't know you're here, and then I'll make sure things get worked out. How's that?" She watches the little girl think about it and finally agree just as John comes in, stilling looking as sour as can be. 

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