014- Advice

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Tomorrow was the dance and I still didn't know what to wear. I didn't have many nice clothing items except a few from years ago that probably don't fit. If I'm being honest I'm getting nervous, over a dance. I felt like one of those girly girls who would giggle over boys. I had brought Gordie over to tell him all about last night. After Chris asked me to the dance we snuck out and went stargazing. It was perfect.

"See I told you it would work out. I knew it from the start" he said with a proud smile.

"Sure you did Gordie" I replied pushing him playfully. "Will you help me out with the outfit?"

"Nancy I don't know fashion especially girls fashion"

"Just tell me if it looks nice, alright?"

"Ok, ok but look at you, you're blushing" he replied laughing.

"Shut up, I hate you" I said turning to my mirror and peering at my reflection. I am bushing oh my god. "Well I'll go put on the first one, hold on" I left to my bathroom and put on a light pink frilly dress with sparkles that I wore when I was 10. I returned to my room and Gordie laughed at me.

"I may not know much about clothes but that is atrocious. Please take it off you look like a pink catball" He continued laughing as I went to put on the next dress. This one was short, silky and green. As I came to my room Gordie's mouth dropped.

"What? Too much?" I asked starting to get self conscious.

"No, no it's just maybe not for a school dance, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah you're right. I got one more ok?" he nodded and I put on the last dress. This one was an indigo blue that was off the shoulder. I stepped into my room once again and a smile lit on Gordie's face.

"This is the one for sure, if you don't wear it I will"

"Woah I'll wear this one got it" I replied smiling. "Any suggestions on anything else? You seem to know about fashion now"

"Put your hair up, blue shoes and... a necklace"

"Yes sir" I said putting my hand to my forehead like a soldier while smiling. I got undressed and when I came back Gordie had left, a note in his place. It read:

I promised I'd help Chris with his outfit and now I know I'm the best at outfit advice so I'll see you at school tomorrow.


I smiled as I read and fell back on my bed. Tomorrow night will be the best night ever. I sighed and went to grab my book from my side table. I was almost finished and for the rest of the night I read getting lost in the pages.


This morning I woke up happy. When I got downstairs though Ace was leaning against the counter. I tried to ignore him the best I could while I made some breakfast.

"What are you so happy about this morning Nance" when I didn't respond he just kept talking. "You going to that lame dance thing tonight? I don't think you should, dad will be pissed"

I broke my little silent treatment "He's always pissed when he's drinking and when is he drinking? All the fucking time so I could care less right now" I slammed the fridge door closed.

"Geez, don't have to piss and whine to me about it, I live here too" I started grabbing my stuff and went to the door. Hands pulled at my arms turning me around.

"Please be careful with your mouth, it's gonna get you in trouble" Ace's eyes were soft which was an unusual sight.

"Alright just let go of me" His hands released their grip and I exited the house.
During lunch I looked around for Gordie and Chris. I found them sitting under a tree laughing. it was a nice scene before me and I was tempted to let them be. I walked over and once Chris laid his eyes on me my heart skipped a beat. He jumped up and ran to me engulfing me in a hug. But not just a regular hug. The one where you're lifted off the ground and spun around. When I was brought back down I brought my lips to his while his arms snaked around my waist.

"Get a room!" Gordie called. We pulled away laughing.

"Sorry Gordie" Chris replied pulling my hand to sit down.

"Am I going to be the third wheel from now on? I'm rethinking my match making"

"Oh please you'll live" I told him while I was lying between Chris's legs, my head leaning on his chest. I could feel him breathing. Up and down. Up and down.

"You guys finish the homework?" Gordie spoke while writing something down.

"Yeah" I said.

"No still got more to do. It's getting a bit tough." Chris sighed.

"I can help you out, just ask" I said smiling up at him. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.

"Groooossss" Gordie yelled throwing a pine cone at us.

"Ok we'll stop, please don't throw another pine cone" I playfully begged. He smiled and threw a pinecone. "Wow real nice Gordie" I picked it up and threw it back just as the bell rung. We stood up and walked back to class Chris's arms thrown across Gordie and I. As I looked around I saw a guy looking at me. Not just any guy actually, my brother, leaning up against the wall staring intensely at me. Weird.

Word count: 908

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