004-the junkyard

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We had reached the junkyard and were now standing at the gate that was filled with "no trespassing" signs. Teddy being the crazy guy he is threw his stuff over and yelled;

"Stand back, men! Paratroops over the side!" as he started to climb the fence. Vern followed then Gordie and Chris started climbing. I waited for them to get to the top and then started to climb. Once I reached the top I saw Chris looking up at me.

"Just jump I'll catch you" he called up. I jumped and sure enough he caught me; hands on my waist. I started smiling looking into those pretty blue eyes, him smiling back.

"Come on men! Move it out!" Teddy yelled causing him to let go, grab my hand to catch up with Gordie.

"He won't live to be twenty I bet." Chris said staring at Teddy who was way far ahead with Vern.

"Remember the time you saved him in the tree?" Gordie asked remembering a few months ago.

"Yeah. You know I dream about that sometimes. Except in the dream I always miss him. I just get a couple of his hairs and down he goes. It's weird." Chris explained turning his head at Gordie.

"Yeah. That's weird. But you didn't miss him. Chris Chambers never misses, does he?" Gordie said smirking.

"Nope, especially not when catching pretty girls" he said with a wink in my direction, causing Gordie to laugh and me rolling my eyes trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. "Hey, I'll race you guys!"

"No. I don't know." Gordie said unsure.

"Right to the pump man, come on." Chris pleaded.

"I'm -- I'm kind of tired." Gordie said as he started to run towards the pump. Chris and I started running catching up with Gordie. Chris started teasing Gordie as he got in the lead, I had past him as well and I came in second.

We sat down in front of a pile of scrap metal drinking our freshly filled canteens and talking. Chris on my left and Gordie on the right.

"Have you guys been watching the Mickey Mouse Club lately?" Teddy asked randomly taking a sip of water.

"Yeah." we all said.

"I think Annette's tits are getting bigger." he said causing me to roll my eyes. Boys am I right.

"Think so?" Chris replied.

"Yeah, I think so." Teddy answered amused.

"Yeah. I think he's right. I've been noticing lately that the A and the E are beginning to bend around the sides." Gordie said while mimicking his words into actions.

"Annette's tits are great!" Vern stated chuckling.

"Yeah. But I bet Nancy's are better" Teddy teased. Chris just glared at him and Teddy laughed. I was sort of used to Teddy's rude jokes by now.

"What time is it, Gordie?" I said breaking the awkwardness.

"Uhm - It's a quarter after one." he replied looking up from his watch.

"We better go get the food. The junkyard opens at three. Chopper will be here." Vern told us.

"You go. You can pick us up on the way back." Teddy said lazily.

"I'm not going alone. We should all go." Vern whined.

But Teddy is Teddy and he's stubborn "I'm staying right here."

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