013- Finally

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The first few days of school had been packed with schoolwork which I guess was a good thing to keep my mind off things. I was deciding on whether I should talk to Chris. Gordie and I exchanged a few words here and there but he seemed off.

Once I got to school this morning I gave Chris a small wave in the hall but all I got was a small smile back. As I was sitting in history class our teacher had mentioned something about a "Welcome Back" dance on Friday which I think is pretty dumb. Who has school dances in a small ass town with like 3,000 people in it.

When walking to the exit after school I was stopped by two hands pushing on my shoulders.

"Woah!" I flinched and looked to see who it was and it was Gordie. "Geez, you scared the crap out of me"

"Sorry, are you alright?"

"Uhhh yeah." he gave me a "really" look and I caved. I figured Chris couldn't be more mad if I told him. "Ok you can't tell anyone, alright?" he nodded and I looked around to make sure nobody was around.

"Chris kissed me a few days ago and I completely blanked, didn't kiss him back and now I think he's mad at me or like ignoring me"

"Well did you want to kiss him?" Gordie asked, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Yeah. I mean... I think I like him Gordie but I was just" I sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking. You know what I definitely wasn't thinking because I would of kissed him back"

"Well I think you should talk to him. You might just work things out"

"You think so?"

"I know so" he replied with a smirk. I was going to see him tonight and tell him. I finally decided. Gordie walked me home and as we were walking he had brought up the dance.

"You excited for the dance? I was thinking we could all go together and have some good times"

"Yeah I don't do dances and I'm grounded and on top of that I'm already taking a risk tonight to talk to Chris"

"Alright well I guess you can stay home and be a loser while we have fun without you." he replied smiling.

"It's impossible to have fun without me Gordie. You'll have a horrible time if I'm not there"

"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes playfully. We continued walking until we reached my house.

"See you tomorrow Gordie" I waved from the porch.

"Good luck Nance"
The time was 11:12pm and I figured now was better than never. I was putting it off all evening and I was starting to get tired. I slowly and quietly walked down the stairs about halfway and saw nobody there. I retreated back up and leaned my ear on Ace's door and heard nothing. Good they're both gone. I fixed up my bed so it looked like a human was sleeping and opened my window letting in the cold September air.

Outside my window was a vine wall that had convenient foot holes for people to use. As I climbed down I slipped and fell landing on the ground with a thump. Thankfully I was only a few steps away from the ground but it still hurt. Dusting myself off I started making my way over to Chris's house which was only a few blocks away. It was cold and I was wearing a t shirt. Very dumb I know. As I was walking I looked up in the sky and it was so pretty filled with stars and a almost full moon.

Once I made it to his house I started climbing the side of the house with a ladder we had hidden for our use only. When I reached the window I noticed that the lights were off, I lightly tapped anyways because there was no way I was doing this again. A light turned on inside and the window slowly opened revealing a very shocked blonde boy.

"Nancy what are you doing here?" he said with a groggily voice while wiping his eyes.

"I came to talk to you. Can I come in? It's freezing out here"

He looked towards his door. "Yeah but be quiet I think someone's home" I pulled myself inside and awkwardly leaned against his desk while he sat on the bed.

"So..." he said not looking at me.

"So, I wanted to talk about the ummm the..."

"The kiss" he said finishing my sentence.

"Yeah. That."

"Listen Nancy can we just forget about it" He started to stand pacing back and forth beside his bed. "I misread the whole situation and it was stupid to assume things. I had just thought that maybe we-" I cut him off by smashing my lips on his. It was the moment I had been waiting for the whole summer and even though it lasted only a few seconds it felt like much more.

"Why'd you do that I thought-"

"You thought wrong Chambers" I said smirking and I then placed my lips on his once more taking it in. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" I said after pulling away staring into those wonderful blue eyes.

"Nancy?" Chris asked


"I know you probably will think it's a dumb idea but do you possibly want to go to the dance with me?"

"Hmmm. A school dance with a boy I've liked and with whom I just kissed. Yes Chris I'll go with you" As I said the words a smile spread across his face.

"Really cause I thought you would think its stupid"

"I do think it's stupid." he frowned. "But if there's anyone I'd want to go with it would be you Chris Chambers"

word count: 946

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