Jungkook As Your Crush (BTS Jungkook)

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You usually took morning walks to the park near your house, but you decided to visit the dog park this time. It was a little further away from your house, but you wanted that cuteness overload today. You wanted to see puppies and fawn over them. Your crush was visiting 'someone', a female. You had no right to keep him to yourself, but you were jealous and needed some cuteness to get over it. With that, you speed-walked towards your destination.

The dog park was heaven to your eyes. When you had first been there, your friend had to drag you outside to get you home. You didn't want to leave. If you could camp there, you would.

"Ahhh, I can die peacefully now," You muttered, staring wide-eyed at a well-groomed Pekingese puppy. You shifted your attention to a Norwich Terrier when the Pekingese left the park. You missed him already!

You were sitting on a bench and admiring different dogs when a Rottweiler ran full speed towards you. You thought it was running towards you. You were delighted and opened your arms to catch him without thinking of the consequences.

But alas, not everything happens how we want. The Rottweiler picked up the ball lying beside your feet and stared at you. The owner must've thrown the ball too far, so he came running behind the Rottweiler.

You couldn't resist it anymore and picked up the puppy and snuggled your face in its fur. You realized it immediately but it was already too late and you started sneezing continuously. In a hurry to visit the heaven that was called a dog park, you forgot to take medication for your dust allergy. You weren't allergic to dogs, but nuzzling into the Rottweiler triggered your allergy. Your eyes were watering, and you were in no state to pick up your bag to take your medication.

"I'm so sorry, miss. Are you okay?" The owner asked, trying to do his best to help you. He immediately retrieved his puppy from you, figuring that he was the cause for your misfit.

"B-Bag," You muttered, trying to tell him to hand you your tablets. "Tablets," You tried telling while sneezing once more. He immediately understood and pulled your bottle from your bag. You always carried your medication with you. After all, the circumstances can change at any time. You had calmed down significantly after taking your medicine.

"Are you okay?" The stranger questioned as he handed you a bottle of water. You couldn't see him properly earlier, you realized that he was really handsome now that you could see him. You wouldn't admit it, but he was on par with his puppy.

"Thanks a lot," You thanked him, taking the bottle from him, "I'm allergic to dust. I forgot to take my medication before coming here," You said, scratching the back of your neck.

"Oh, that explains your reaction to Haru." He said, laughing. 'Oh. So, the beauty's name was Haru' You thought to yourself. You smiled. Now, you could freely hug Haru all you wanted. Even if you usually had your medication with you, you avoided 'dusty' situations. It was very irritating when your allergy was triggered.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. Can I play with Haru for a while?" You questioned, already turning to Haru without even bothering about the stranger.

"Of course, it's just strange seeing Haru getting along with someone other than me,"

"Oh, maybe it's because I've always been good with animals. Sadly, I'm allergic to dust," Haru rubbed your neck when he realized that you were sad. You stroked his fur and smiled.

"Oh, that makes sense, that must be the reason," He said, looking at you both happily, "Your name? I need to know the name of the person that actually gets along with Haru."

"My name's Y/N," You laughed.

"I'm Jungkook," He introduced himself. "I come here every day with Haru. You can tag along with us whenever you want," He offered kindly.

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