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Geralt stood at the wall of the Jaskiers prison cell, no one could see him but he could hear him. After all those years he finally heard the voice of his bard again. For a second he stood there, closed his eyes and just taking in the voice he had missed for so long and it felt like some part of him got whole again. After he mentally prepared himself to not just hear but also face Jaskier. He took out the guard and opened jaskiers cell, the bard who had eventually stopped singing turned around expecting to talk to an grumpy knight.

"Good sir would not recognise talent if I shoved it up your- Geralt"

The hug felt better than he could have ever imagined and the ache in his chest disappeared for the first time since forever, still flooded with guild the Witcher was now more than just relived something in his live was right again.


"Be honest Geralt for what do you need me?"

The bard asked in a bitter tone, as he walked next to roach, like he did so many times before.

"Because i really cant imagine for what problem you would give up the blessing of having me out of you're hands, you know? I thought you wanted me gone? Didn't you said that last time we saw each other?"

" Jaskier-" " "Jaskier" what Geralt?" The bard cut the Witcher of" Jaskier I am sorry, I didn't mean it? Jaskier forgive me please? Jaskier what? you hurt me Geralt I don't want your apologies or shit like that I want a reason Witcher." The muscles of the white wolf tensed as the bard spoke on.

" I am sorry, Jaskier" " That is not a reason Geralt" the bard replied with the coldest tone he had, feeling how tears made their way to his blue eyes, he made sure to avoid eye contact with the Witcher.

The bard took out his lute and started to play the song he composed in prison, experimenting with different melodies, his way of ending the conversation.


There was no particular reason for Geralt to break Jaskier out of his problems other than worry for his Bard.

But he was not going to admit that so he just ignored it when the bard demanded to know the reason for his rescue, and when the bard reminded him of their fight the old familiar ache grew even stronger, he was filled with guilt and regret and pain and it felt like his heart broke thousands time over and over again. And all he could do was apologize, knowing it would never be enough to make up for his mistakes.


When they settled their camp for the night it was fucking cold for spring and Jaskier who had nothing else with him other than his clothes felt like he was going to freeze that night, the small fire didn't really help against the cold. His mind wandered off again this time towards a certain Witcher, holding him in his arms to be shielded form the cold, just to get snapped back to reality as a heavy cloak got dropped on his shoulders. "what the-" " you were shivering" "I- well, thank you Geralt" the bard mumbled, feeling red creeping in his face.

" Get some rest now" Geralt answered with an almost soft look on his face " I will take the first watch"

with out much protest the bard leaned his head against the tree slowly relaxing himself as he wrapped the cloak tighter around him. it smells like Geralt then he drove of to sleep

this one is a bit shorter sorry and I know they would have already met the dwarfs but I decided to give them a day alone :) and I refuse to accept roaches death so yeah bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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