Got My Eye On You

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This Part Will be a little graphic

The Girl with black hair lunged for hajime. He countered her attacked and sweeped her legs. Instead of falling she fell into a cartwheel and kicked him in the face. A splatter of blood ran down his nose as he grabbed her leg and swung her back towards the wall. She let out a grunt as she collided with it. Hajime didn't know where he learned to fight like this but he wasn't complaining.

Junko: "God Mukuro your so useless. Just take him out already." The second girl shakily got up from the floor, her eyes now looked like those of a child.

Mukuro:" Im sorry Junko! I'll get him i swear!" She seemed to whimper despite her obvious skills. Hajime stepped back as she got to her feet. She ran forward when an especially loud blare from the music room shook the floor, Hajime rolled onto the ground as Mukuro tackled the air where he had just been. She rolled into a crouched position and launched herself towards Hajime. He leaned onto his back as he reared his leg back and kicked her in the face. She flew across the hallway and collapsed. She steadily got back up as she wiped a line of blood from her nose. Suddenly the music room door slammed open, amidst their fighting they hadn't noticed the music end.

Nekomaru stood staring down at the two on the floor. Hajime with a bruise starting to form on the side of his face and Mukuro with a stream of blood pouring from her nose.

Junko: "Ugh whatever, i'll do this later." Junko scoffed at the fact that she'd have to wait. "Get up stupid, we're leaving now." She snapped at Mukuro who was still on the floor. She quickly jumped up and followed after her. Mikan let out a small gasp as she saw Hajime's face and headed over with Nagito right on her heels.

Nagito Komaeda: "Hajime! Are you okay!?" He had a panicked look on his face as if he had just gotten hit by a car. Hajime tried to speak but let out a groan of pain and put his hand up to his jaw.

Mikan Tsumiki: "H-here.." She handed him a couple IBuprofen "Um.. you might want to use a cold pack and stay with soft foods until the bruising goes away." She told him as she clenched her hands together. Nagito turned glaring mercilessly towards the direction Junko went, he looked like he was deciding whether to run after her or not. He gritted his teeth and turned back to Hajime, a worried expression instantly filling his face.

All of his classmates were looking at him with those pitiful worried stares again. Hajime hated how weak he felt. How he wasn't special. He didn't deserve to be there. wait where are these thoughts coming from. He put his hand to his forhead as he let out another grunt of pain and squeezed his eyes shut. Somebody called to him but he couldn't hear what they said. He opened his eyes and they immediately found the red headed girl. Flashes of two other faces crossed his mind but he couldn't focus. He let out a defeated grumble as he slumped to the floor.

Deemed fit to walk, he headed off with Nagito. They were followed with calls of be careful and feel better as they walked down the hall. Nagito met them all with a reply but something was bothering Hajime, he couldn't put his finger on it. He didn't even realize they had arrived at the house until he heard Nagito unlocking the door. As he walked in Nagito stopped him.

Nagito Komaeda: "We need to talk." Nagito led them to the kitchen where he grabbed himself a glass of water. He didn't drink it but instead just twirled it around in his hand. "Those girls. If you ever see them again, run and call for help." he had a cold look in his eye as he set the cup down. "Junko Enoshima. The ultimate despair. She is against everything Hopes Peak stands for." He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Nagito Komaeda: "I think she is aware of the experiments and is trying to use you." He turned around to the counter and gripped his hands on the edge, his knuckles turning white. "She wants to ruin all hope as we know it. I despise her." He turned his head back to Hajime. "I will do everything in my power to take her out." He had a murderous look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and regained his composure. Hajime walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Hajime: "Don't worry, i wont let her have anything to do with me." he gave Nagito an affirming nod causing him to smile. Nagito picked up the glass, downing it, and placing it into the sink.

Nagito Komaeda: "Today's been... eventful... why don't we go relax?" he gestured to the greenhouse. Hajime nodded in agreement as they started to walk in that direction.

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