My New Friend?

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Nagito woke to his alarm ringing softly. He went to shut it off but when he leaned over the edge he froze. Hajime laid on the floor curled up in a blanket off his own, holding a knife. Nagito jumped back shocked as his alarm kept ringing. Hajimes eyes fluttered open as he let out a yamn, dangerously swinging the knife around in the air.

Nagito Komaeda: "Uh... why do you have a knife..?" He asked, backing away even further. Hajime looked down at the knife as if he was completely unaware it was there. He set it on the bed stand beside the alarm clock and turned it off. "Well.. I-I guess i should get to school then..." He went into his bathroom to change. He came back out to see Hajime sitting on the floor. "If you need anything feel free to ask a maid.." He hoped he didn't have to tell him to not stab anyone.

At least on the walk to school today it was dry. This time when he opened the class door, his classmates were there. Kazuichi came up and greeted him while Fuyuhiko lingered behind him.

Kazuichi Soda: "Where were you yesterday bro? You missed it! We got to see Sayaka perform!! Oh I know! maybe to make up for it we could ask her for a little personal show!" He said with a mischievous grin. "Hah! If you show her your mansion i'm sure she can't resist!" Nagito knew he was joking but it still made him feel a little sick. Fuyuhiko elbowed Soda in the gut as he but in.

Fuyuhiko Kazuryu: "We're not bringing any prissy pop stars around." He rolled his eyes just thinking about it. Somehow without even confirming it Soda and Kazuryu had invited themselves over to his house, not that Nagito minded. If it weren't for their occasional visits the only people around would be the staff, and it gets a little lonely...

After class ended they followed Nagito to his home. Unfortunately Hajime had entirely slipped his mind. As the three of them stepped into the door they were suddenly greeted by rushing foot steps. In nearly two seconds Hajime had kicked Kazuichi to the ground and held a knife up to Fuyuhiko's neck. Hajime wore a dark scowl on his face as he kept edging the blade closer.

Hajime: "I thought i could trust you... ARE YOU TRYING TO BRING ME BACK!?!" as he yelled he swung Fuyuhiko around, who gritted his teeth. Then Hajime gave a gasp as he was hit in the throat and his hand was flung forward. A girl with gray braids grabbed the arm with the knife and pinned it behind his back as she pushed him face down into the floor.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Thanks Peko, should we call the police or do you know this guy?" he brushed off his suit and turned to Nagito.

Nagito Komaeda: "Sorry... Hajime its okay they're friends of mine, they won't hurt you." Fuyuhiko scoffed at that last bit but he told Peko to get off of him. Hajime quickly moved back from them, clenching the knife still. Nagito slowly eased it out of his hands and set it on a nearby shelf.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "So care to explain why he tried to kill us?" Soda hid behind his back while Peko stood on guard at his side.

Nagito Komaeda: "Is it okay Hajime?" he nodded looking at the floor. "Well... you can't tell anyone...  The schools been conducting human experiments, Hajime here was one of them." Their eyes widend, even Peko looked a little shocked.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Thats fucked up..." Nagito nodded in agreement. Suddenly Hajime spoke up.

Hajime: "Do you guys perhaps know..." They turned to him listening but he couldn't seem to find the words. "there's a person i think... they had pinkish blond hair and pink eyes..." as he desperately tried to remember his memory just faded away from him. Soda pointed at himself questioningly but he shook his head. "Ah never mind... maybe it'll come to me later.." He sighed in defeat knowing it probably was now among his lost memories.

After that, Nagito went on to do his normal routine with the others while Hajime wandered hesitantly behind the group. Eventually he broke off just walking aimlessly through the towering building. He had gone far enough where the only sound was his echoing footsteps, softly slapping against the floor. Eventually the hallway started to become darker, some portraits hung on the wall and a couple of couches lay around but they were all draped with black fabric. He climbed onto one of the couches and curled up, tucking the black cloth over him like a blanket. He didn't sleep, he couldn't, every second of unconsciousness brought him back to that lab. Instead he just stared blankly at the floor waiting for who knows what.

A while later another pair of footsteps filled the halls, he slowly turned to see Nagito looking upset, he purposely kept his eyes away from the walls. He didn't speak he just motioned for Hajime to get up. His eyes were clouded with sadness with a hint of rage behind them toiling like a violent sea in a storm. They walked out of the dark hallway silently, Nagito keeping his eyes aimed towards the floor. Eventually Nagito stopped.

Nagito Komaeda: "Please... Never go back there..." After saying that he silently went back to his room leaving Hajime to stand there. Unsure of what to do he curled up on the floor hugging his knees to his chest. It was cold but he didn't move. He knew if he went to the comfort of blankets he'd fall asleep, he couldn't have that. He laid in the dark as the hours clicked by. He could feel sleep pulling at his eyelids but he didn't give in. 

Sometime later Nagito stepped out of his room. He was shocked to see Hajime laying on the floor. He said something but Hajime couldn't understand, his exhaustion had began to cloud his mind and soon enough he gave in.

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