Just My Luck

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I was late for class... It was raining outside and a car splashed me, i returned home to change clothes but now I was missing first hour. I sighed as i opened the classroom door. Nobody was in there? I walked up to Miss Yukizome's desk where she had left a note saying the class had gone on a trip to another class. Nagito didn't want to bother them since they obviously didn't feel the need to wait for him. He walked down the hall unsure of where to go now, he decided to just let his luck choose. He went on to walk down the hall not reading any of the doors, he stopped randomly in front of a Janitor's closet. He shrugged as he opened the door and stepped inside. 

Nagito didn't pay attention as he walked in, he tripped on a bucket and grabbed at a broom to catch his fall. Instead of falling with him it let off a cranking sound and the shelf in front of him silently slid to the side. It led to a staircase with sleek handrails. the hallway downwards almost had a hospital feel to it with bright lights and blank white walls. Nagito pulled himself against the wall as a pair of people in lab coats walked past discussing something on a clipboard. Seeing this under a school intrigued Nagito so he continued to walk through.

He ducked into a small room as more people walked down the hall. When he closed the door he heard a small gasp from behind. He turned to see a boy about his age, a little shorter than him. He had shoulder length brown hair that seemed to fade from tan to a near black color. He wore a thin blue hospital gown and seemed to have bandages all over his limbs. He stood with his back against the wall with a mix between fear and anger on his face as he glared at Nagito. Meanwhile Nagito stood staring back wondering if he should run or talk to him. He decided on the latter.

Nagito Komaeda: "Hey.. what's going on.. is this some sort of medical facility?" It wouldn't be too strange, with all the wilds things people did, such as Akane climbing to the roof, having a hospital right there might be a good idea. Though the boy in front of him didn't look like a regular patient, instead more of on the defensive instead of being defended.

 Boy???: "Y-your not part of them..? Please you gotta get me out!" He clung to nagito's shirt pulling him towards him. "I don't want to be a part of the experiments anymore! They're tearing me apart!" Tears formed at the edges of his eyes then he covered his mouth as if he just said something he shouldn't have. Footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

???: "The subject of project Kamukura has gone missing."

???2: "Put a search for him, we cant let the experiment get out." The two figures ran off and the boy finally let out his breathe. He seemed to be holding it the entire time they were outside the door. He looked up to Nagito with wide eyes. Nagito nodded to him.

Nagito Komaeda: "Don't worry i can get you out." He gave him a small smile. He knew the feeling of being so alone, he couldn't let it happen to somebody else. Nagito quietly peeked his head out the door, there was a group of the people down the hall but they were facing away. Nagito slowly crept out with the boy following behind him. They were just reaching the staircase when a shout came from behind them.

???: "THE SUBJECTS TRYING TO ESCAPE!!" The boy let out a gasp of fear as Nagito grabbed his hand and pulled him up the steps. He pushed the boy ahead of him while he threw the cleaning supplies down the stairs into the faces of the scientists. They ran out into the hall just as classes were switching. 

Nagito and the boy caught their breath as a flood of students filled the hallway. The scientists didn't follow them outside of the closet. Going with the flow of people, Nagito led the boy to the exit.

Nagito Komaeda: "Alright.. are you okay? Maybe we should go to the police.." at the suggestion the boy quickly shook his head.

Boy???: "Don't.. i tried that... the police work with them..." Nagito let out a hmm. 

Nagito Komaeda: "I do live in a pretty large home, you could stay there." The boy reluctantly said okay. "But to start of, my name's Nagito Komaeda but you can just call me Nagito, whats your name?"

Boy???: "Um.. Hajime..I think... I don't remember my last name anymore.." He seemed distraught when he tried to remember.

Nagito Komaeda: "Heh it's okay.." He said with a sad looking smile. "I have a bad memory too, we're pretty similar, you and I..." Hajime looked at him slightly confused, had he been an experiment too?

Nagito led him down a quiet road eventually a large building came into view, no.. large was an understatement... Then Nagito started to lead him up to the mansion.

Hajime: "Y-you live here?! This is the biggest place.. i've... ever.... seen......" He trailed off at the end as he saw Nagito seemed upset when he looked at it. He shook his head and turned back to Hajime.

Nagito Komaeda: "Let's get you situated shall we? He led him through large doors and into a hallway that seemed endless. He started up wooden stairs with a red velvet carpet over top of them before he stopped and turned. "Is the second floor alright for you?" Hajime nodded wringing his hands together, Nagito noticed but he didn't say anything. He told Hajime he could ask his chef for anything and he headed to his own room. He was about to get into bed when he froze. He wasn't sure why.

Then he heard it, yells coming from the room next door. Had the scientists found them!? He ran out, throwing his door open, he flung Hajimes door open as well. Though instead of lab coats he found Hajime twisted among blankets. He was yelling as he frantically tried to get himself untangled. He ran over to Hajime sliding the blankets off of him. He sat there panting heavily and he was trembling. Nagito went to reach a hand out towards him but stopped when he saw Hajime flinch.

Hajime: "I'm sorry..." Now he had an almost angry look on his face. "I had.. a nightmare and when i woke up caught in the blankets..." He sighed and layed back down. "Thank you..." He pulled the blankets back over him leaving Nagito to stand there. Nagito headed back to his own room and slept silently the rest of the night.

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