conjure the deal (2)

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Christine Tinsley=C.C. Tinsley (nonbinary)

Gender pronouns: commonly they/them


C.C. tries the front door to find out it isn't locked. A shiver runs down their back as the folktales speak of a black shadow figure. They weren't convinced it was a shadow being but more stone tape memory. The detective steps lightly though the kitchen then heads for the basement as that is where chants can be heard easily.

Their eyes adjust to the candlelight as large strong hands seize C.C. 's shoulders which precedes with a rough push to the center of a Faustian circle. Christine staggers to keep on her feet but stumbles into the blood conjuring circle anyway. The young detective stands up while brushing off dirt in the basement. C.C. looks around the small basement

"Christine...Tinsley," a low baritone voice calls her name out.

C.C turns round and then round again from the blood drawn circle that Alan had shoved her into. They know that voice, that voice from anywhere. Christine swallows as their throat is dry.

"Danamen Sebastian Michaelis?"

An elegant man with raven black hair walks without a concern, in tall, sleek black leather high heeled boots. C.C. blinks her/their eyes a few times as they had never seen anyone saunter so gracefully in such high heels. He put any beautiful human to shame. His clothes appear as black shadows and raven feathers, C.C knows she/they should be terrified, but Christine only feels confusion of what their emotions are welling up inside.

"Yes, little one it is I," he smiles but it doesn't put anyone at ease. "It would seem you have already picked out my name for the contract..."

Christine sputters out, "Contract? What is going on with you? Danamen Sebastian Michaelis?"

Alan interrupts the conversation, "You know this guy? Aah..he's a demon Christine!"

"He is a what?" C.C. faces Sebastian once more. "I always knew something was off when you visited my mom. I just didn't know what that was at the time...what did it mean you being a friend of my mother's?"

"Your mother knew this demon personally?" Scott now pipes in. "The only way is to have a Faustian contract with this higher demon!"

"No...he was also the butler for my mom" C.C. softly lets out. "The mark on her neck was not a tattoo after all?"

Sebastian smiles as he bows," Why yes we did. The more visible the mark the closer the demon is to the summoner. I will enjoy serving you as well, Mx. Tinsley."

"Hey there demon!" Scott and Alan shout in unison. "You will serve us, and she is but a juicy sacrifice to cement the deal with you Sebastian."

Sebastian turns his head with a sneer on his face then proceeds to stand up straight to full height as his eyes become slits with the most vivid fuchsia-colored pupils, Christine has ever seen. The high demon laughs mockingly," I would not serve you if Hell froze over literally. Your souls are disgusting and tainted. I only choose the most pure and innocent souls to consume..."

At first the soft sound of feathers fluttering, then the sound proceeds to be almost deafening. The room is filled with a multitude of sheer black raven feathers. They begin to spin around the two young men. Alan begins to bat at the feathers while Scott is squirming in the artificial circle. The feathers flick as if a mind of their own to inflict small cuts like obsidian.. Alan is becoming a mass of bleeding cuts. It is then the two young men stop suddenly and then proceed to freeze in place. The raven feathers go back to circling rapidly around their bodies.

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