here we go (0.5)

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Mistaken contract intro (0.5)

Sebastian....Michaelis...hmmm.... maybe?

Dear Lovelies to the Black Butler anime and manga,

This could be a nice ride in the countryside or the brutal end to this story, along with one other Sebastian story that came to my mind. I have begun watching the first season, once more. The last episode was about Grell and the reaper chainsaw. I was warned that the second season wasn't the same and a letdown. As usual with me, sometimes comedy is well placed and some not. I earned many times my sense of humor...different...from most.

First is the name C.C. Tinsley and the real private detective's name to fame is the mystifying fire, along with five missing Sodder Children. I have created Christine Tinsley while using her/they as a born grandniece to this real and passed on person.

Next is an ode to horror master author that is none other than Stephen King. I have read the Shining, Carrie and Firestarter along with my all-time favorite the Dead Zone. C.C. Tinsley's car is a 1958 black Plymouth Fury, though the Fury in Christine was red with white. Then, finally, a taste of the Dead Zone with a decent sense of psychometry. Now comes the location for the conjuring of Sebastian: The old Arnold Estate in the state of Rhode Island.

The exact address: 1677 Round Top Road, Harrisville, Rhode Island 02830.

Finally, a word on this story. I have taken some creative writing on Sebastian such as imagery with his black feathers. I am going to probably make mistakes so welcome to my Alternate Universe. If you are unhappy with this two-chapter short story, then I suggest moving on. There are plenty of other Black Butler writers with reading material available.

As for pronouns I will overall use they and them or her/they but sometimes I still miss her/she when I proof. I am working hard on this so still be patient with me. As always, I am grateful for all my readers new and old, new followers and old.

Merci Beaucoup Mon Amis,

~Michi Tala

Mistaken Contract (Sebastian Michaelis)Where stories live. Discover now