Abraham Tower

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Author: Maria Robotnik

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I've been alive for almost fourteen years now, and I think it's rather obvious since being in space and all, that having other kids on the ARK are slim to none. There was one kid, though, who came in about five years ago with his parents. His name was Abraham, I think, Abraham Tower. If I remember correctly, his parents had earned this major internship or something- his father was a mechanist sent to study the ARK's artificial air sources, and his mother was a pediatrician sent to study me over a period of time. Their presence here was not meant to be a very long one, but I don't think Abraham ever completely understood that.

It was up until recently, when Grandfather had me wake up Shadow, that the Tower family lived here. They left the night before Shadow woke up, and the thought that Abraham had no idea that his family's living conditions were not permanent shown through rather obviously through the kid's confusion. Amidst this confusion, Abraham admitted that he had grown attached to me. He started saying some things that I didn't quite hear and he even tried to kiss me.

I slapped him.

At the time, I thought I was using a well controlled voice- thinking back on it now though... I think it's safe to say I know why he ended up crying.

But I didn't like him. On the contrary, I hated him more than I do Shadow. Abraham Tower always acted like he had just come off the export ship from Pleasure Island. And by that, I mean he was an ass. He was rude, inconsiderate, and lied to everyone about anything. His parents found him precious and didn't correct him; once he pitch-pocketed a scientist that was involved in Project Shadow and succeeded in getting some kind of DNA sample of something. Abraham then went to every corner of the ARK declaring himself the 'Immortal King of Aliens' as if he had won the Olympics. Someone heard about this and went straight to his parents in a fury. Their reaction? They laughed. I'm not joking, I heard that they straight out laughed and claimed that he was only joking around. No one was amused.

So, although I feel a bit bad about making him cry in a day of pure confusion for him, I don't feel bad for slapping him. I like Shadow more than I did Abraham, so I let Shadow be the one to take my first kiss. Abraham, on the other hand, can go as far away from me as possible and stay there.

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