Dreamers and Troublemakers

499 16 6

The syringe that held Shadow's blood was clear, thus you were able to tell what color the blood happened to be. The blood of the hybrid hedgehog was not red like Maria's, it appeared to be almost black, but when induced to direct light, it would become silver. When it was time to be injected with his blood again (twice a day, her grandfather claimed, until changes occurred) Maria chose to stare at the odd liquid as it entered her own bloodstream than to look away as she would have normally done with a generic vaccine. Shadow, who now became the one to extract his blood and inject it into her, took notice of Maria's interest.

"Does the needle hurt?" Shadow asked her. "Is that why you always look at it when you are being injected?"

At first Maria did not answer- being injected with Shadow's blood was like receiving a heavy dose of heroine. Maria wasn't even sure if she was breathing properly enough to even talk at all. And this process was done twice a day!

Maria's eyelids fluttered closed as her eyes rolled to the top of her head. Was this working? It sure didn't seem like it. Maria groaned as the euphoria of Shadow's blood started to wear off into pain from the injection point. Shadow watched her with very little expression on his face as her breathing slowly started to become regular again.

"Go..." she mumbled to him in a weak voice. "I don't.... need you... anymore..."

Shadow titled his head curiously at her. He did not go away, instead he picked her up by slinging one her arms around him, then he dragged her to her bed where he laid her down softly and with care. Drowsily, and still a bit high, Maria gave Shadow a less than thankful glare.

"Go... away..." she moaned. The creature looked at her blankly, then he said a phrase that she hoped she had misheard before he took his leave;

"I love you."

. . .

A.R.K. Virtual Archives [External Back-Up Restore Sourcing]

Accessing File: [REDACTED]

Author: Maria Robotnik

Special Permissions: Not Required

Last Access Date: [REDACTED]

Accessed By: G.U.N. Headquarters; Agent ID R0-U93

Permission Granted




File Successfully Loaded

. . .

Hello Diary, you'll never believe this, but I... I feel good. It's been about two weeks since Grandfather allowed Shadow to inject a bit of his blood into mine. Grandfather has been running tests on my own blood a few hours after every injection, and he has confirmed that I am now able to resist chicken pox. You know what that means, right? It means that my immune system is getting stronger. Grandfather said that I will only need one dosage of Shadow's blood now instead of two. But... although two weeks ago I would have wanted anything in the world to get rid of him sooner, now I do not feel that way.

I... I don't understand Diary. Is it because I've literally become addicted to him, or do I... do I like him?

Diary... if that's the case... I'm scared.

. . .

From the Desk of Gerald Robotnik

Date: Omitted

Subject: Dreamers


Maria's condition is improving at quite an amazing rate! If all goes well, within the next three to five years, Maria will be able to go to Earth and be able to experience life as a normal girl. No one would know who she is though, considering that she was born here on the ARK, but creating and/or forging documents is a lot easier when you have the right connections.

On the note of Shadow and Maria's relationship, I do believe it has improved as well. On Maria's part, I believe transference is to be called on. Or, perhaps the simple act of his blood going into her has created a symbiotic relationship that they are both aware of. Another, more symbolic, theory would be that Shadow's blood is not needed for the recovery of Maria's health. Maybe they only needed each other this entire time, and that is what caused a possibly tiny spike in Maria's condition that may or may not diminish over time.

Dreamers do not improve science, I'm afraid.

. . .

Rouge held the printed paper to Shadow as if it were undeniable evidence of a cold blooded murder. The bat even had the knowing smirk that it could have been. Shadow was not as amused, however, since Rouge was basically hanging out his dirty laundry that could have been found by anyone at any time.

"So, let's get this straight," Rouge entertained, "If I wanted to get really high without getting busted for it later, I could just make you bleed and drink it from a shot glass?"

Although Rouge was merely joking (almost), Shadow's emotionless face did not even twitch. Not enough to satisfy Rouge, that is. Without a word, Shadow turned to leave- something that Rouge was not going to let him do.

"Come back sweetie, I'm not making fun of you yet!"

In a blink of the eye, Shadow had turned around and was holding Rouge in a rather tight choke hold.

"When you get to the part were an innocent girl is murdered, then you can come 'make fun' of me." Shadow threatened as he held Rouge's neck tight enough that she started to gasp for air. "Got it?!"

Rouge nodded as well as she could. Shadow let go of her and turned on his heel to run as fast as he could away from the situation. Rouge looked at him bitter and slightly angered.

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