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A.R.K. Virtual Archives [External Back-Up Restore Sourcing]

Accessing File: [REDACTED]

Author: Maria Robotnik

Special Permissions: Not Required

Last Access Date: [REDACTED]

Accessed By: G.U.N. Headquarters; Agent ID 5H-4D-0W

Permission Granted




File Successfully Loaded

. . .

Hello diary. It's been awhile, I know, and I'm sorry but I have something important that I need to tell you.

I saw him today.

Grandfather took me to see the... hybrid today. I've heard Grandfather rave about this creature as if it were the second coming of Jesus. I'll be honest, when I first saw him, I was scared enough that he could have been. Grandfather told me that he will be immortal and will help cure my illness. 'One drop of his blood' was what Grandfather said, 'and you will no longer be sick my dear.'

To no longer be sick... the idea is so... tempting. Diary, I rarely tell you about this, but my illness is not from blood or bad genetics- it was caused when I was born. I was born here on the ARK, the first of my kind, but with the first of anything there are always defects. My first few breaths were not easy; natural space dust that happened to be in the ARK got into my young immune system and I couldn't fight back. The doctors were able to contain the pathogens from getting worse, but after a few tests later, they found that I had developed Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Basically, in the simplest terms possible, my immune system was so weak that even the common cold could kill me. If I had a simple cough, I may end up coughing up blood- or I may sneeze and it would launch into a splitting migraine that completely blurred my vision.

Okay, I might be exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.

Except for that coughing thing, that actually happened.

But Grandfather says that 'Shadow' will change all of that. I may even... I may even be able to go to Earth. Whether or not 'Shadow' will be able to cure me with a drop of his blood does not mean I will make him my friend. On the contrary, he will be my enemy. I will never like him.


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. . .

"Well you're up late." Rouge smirked to Shadow from behind. The black and red hedgehog jumped a considerable amount in the air as he turned around the computer console.

"Rouge..." Shadow said to the bat darkly, obviously irritated that she had entered without permission. "Can't you go harass someone else? I'm busy."

"You know you can get fired for watching those kind of videos again." Rouge playfully told him with a finger wag.

"I'm not watching any videos!" Shadow told her, nearly wanting to curse her out.

"I'll be the judge of that." Rouge decided as she casually walked up to him, then shoved him out of the way with a rather harsh hip push. Shadow staggered out of the way and grimaced at her as the bat began to read the file he had running. Shadow watched as Rouge's face changed expressions as she read through the file.

"You know," she said, giving him a teasing side glance as she shut the file down, "You can get in trouble for reading a young lady's E-diary too."

"She's dead." Shadow replied in dead pan.

"Well, that's even worse!" Rouge told him with a playful little smirk. Shadow rolled his eyes and folded his arms in disgust.

"'Are you leaving now?" Shadow asked her, feeling more impatient as time went on.

"Perhaps." Rouge said, delighting herself a bit with an idea. "Who's Maria?"

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