Bonus chapter because I'm nostalgic

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HELLO LOVES HAVE YOU MISSED ME?! Bet you didn't expect to hear from me again, eh?

I miss my babies so I decided to write this special little thing and surprise you guys heheheh ilysm <3

There will be VERY slight spoilers of Spiderman: No Way Home, but nothing specific.

1 month, 21 days later, 23/3/2022

The movie had come out more than a year before. Helen hadn't been able to go to the cinema and watch it on her own. But now, there was no reason not to. After all, she'd waited so long to finally see Spiderman: No Way Home.

It was still pretty early, probably around nine in the morning. A warm body was pressed behind her back, a heavy arm wrapped around her waist like a belt. The breath that tickled her neck was even and relaxed.

Helen smiled to herself, interlocking her fingers with Dean's as he soundly slept while spooning her with his large body, keeping her warm and safe.

It still felt unreal to wake up with him there. Sometimes, she woke up in the middle of the night panting, looking around. When that happened, Dean muttered, "I'm here, I'm here. I've got you." She usually then fell asleep to his voice murmuring, "I'm not leaving you, darling. I'm staying." After a month, she was finally starting to fully believe him.

Slowly, she turned into his embrace and pressed her head against his chest. She would never get tired of hearing his heartbeat resonate in her body when they were tightly pressed together. His arms shifted a little to hold her better, closer.

Softly, he said, "Morning, pretty boy." Then, she kissed his chest, just on top of his heart.

Dean hummed sleepily, kissing the top of her head and moving his thumb on her spine. He was still half asleep, but he could hear her little giggle.

"Want to have breakfast?" she asked him, brushing her forefinger along his arm. He didn't say anything, already dozing off again. "Dean," she chuckled, kissing him under his jaw.

With his eyes still closed, he mumbled, "Five minutes."

He always said that. She still remembered that one time he fell asleep in his office after staying up all night to watch Marvel movies. A lot of time had passed by since then. And yet here they still were.

Some scratching noises came from outside their bedroom. Dean groaned. "The dogs," he said, referring to the fact that they had to be set free in the garden. "You go? Please?"

Helen looked up at his relaxed face. "You'll do that thing you do in the shower?" she asked teasingly.

He smiled knowingly. "Yes, I will," he replied, pre-tasting the moment.

Helen got up from the bed and walked up to the door, opening it. Usually, the dogs were outside wiggling their tails and jumping around, ready to go outdoor. Some days, they ran inside the room and hopped on the bed. Today was one of those days.

With a pained groan, Dean welcomed the two puppies as they jumped right on top of him, pressing on his chest with their little paws. They were young, but also heavy. "Jesus," he grumbled. "Little beasts," he joked, wrapping both arms around them and hugging them, moving them around like they were potato sacks.

Helen laughed at that scene, noticing how the two dogs squirmed in Dean's arms, playing around as they tried to get free. "Sav, no biting. We don't want to ruin daddy's pretty face," she scolded the golden retriever, trying to get a taste of Dean's jaw.

"Sav, Fenrir, go outside. Mommy just turned me on with that name," Dean said, sitting up and letting go of the dogs. They, however, instead of running away, threw themselves at him again and started licking his face.

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